The genesis for this supplement came about when I had some extended-time off earlier this year and started thinking about all the different angles we have already covered for the Convicts & Cthulhu penal colony setting. But who could have wanted to carry out such an apparently motiveless spree of killings right on the shores of Sydney Harbour? We’ve had ghostly apparitions, horrors hidden buried inside the walls of buildings, spooky abandoned whaling ships, creepy 17th Century medical experiments, fallen meteorites, enormous cicadas eating Five Dock, quicklime zombies, and more. For Dateline: Lovecraft we are sticking to our original commitment to return all profits from sale of the core product to commissioning new scenarios. Sort by. First of all, I apologize if this is a duplicate post. While the Convicts & Cthulhu setting is nominally limited to the era 1795-1810, Matthew has chosen to base this adventure slightly later, in 1812. Extending the campaign recommendations, Two Headed Serpent has been a blast so far. This marks the 18th release for the Convicts & Cthulhu product line, and the largest supplement we’ve released to date for the setting. The Investigators – as the only uninfected people on board – are asked to give chase. It is very easy to convert these older scenarios to use the 7th Edition rules. You have our eternal gratitude! All of the scenarios we’ve released have been downloaded and played many times by gamers around the world — we’re hoping to share links to some of the Actual Play recordings and blog summaries of how those games worked at the gaming table. The names of personalities, places, and events may be referred to, but any resemblance of scenario and game related characters to persons living or dead is … There is a ton of great products out for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. The PDF of this whale-sized (32 page) scenario is available for FREE right now from here on Cthulhu Reborn, complete with CoC7e stats. Do they just know about the surrounding areas or do they get given directions? Call of Cthulhu. And if you’ve ever needed a scenario that lets you bring game-table drinks INTO the in-game action in the form of drinkable props … this is *definitely* the scenario for you! But who could have wanted to bring such terrifying monstrosities to New South Wales? His designs for the dead in Sydney’s burial grounds needs to be stopped, lest he accidentally trigger a mass zombie resurrection that he has no chance of controlling. Game Era. Links to the latter are included at the top of this post. It’s not to be confused with the real town of Bolton, MA, which is in a different part of the state altogether. Each spell has been revised for the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition game, including optional Deeper... Out of stock. He’s superhumanly committed that way; he’s really the heart and soul of the Convicts & Cthulhu game. While nobody associated with CR has been personally affected by the pandemic, everyone’s routine has been seriously shaken up. As always with material published here on Cthulhu Reborn, this file is released under a Creative Commons License, which means you’re free to do whatever (non-commercial) things you’d like to do. Unless noted otherwise, all releases are full-color print and PDF versions. Thankfully we’ve moved on from such barbarity (well, with a few notable exceptions …). The release of the APOCTHULHU RPG is definitely our biggest achievement of the year — the culmination of a mammoth project that kicked off in December 2017. And while the core APOCTHULHU rulebook and the Pay-What-You-Want APOCTHULHU Quickstart have been out for a while (and are both selling better than we could have hoped), we’re definitely not done with APOCTHULHU. But if you don’t receive such a message — or if you haven’t bought the book but are curious about its handouts — the links below will also get you to the new goodies. Terror’s Triumph: Another review of APOCTHULHU, Rolling Boxcars Reviews APOCTHULHU Corebook, Description of the shadowy organization who is at the heart of this campaign, An option to involve a well-known historical figure in the machinations, A summary of several ongoing linking elements that bind the stories together. The adventure that got me into CoC in the first place, … Looking into these reports of mutations and such, the Investigators quickly establish a common link – all the patients had been treated by a private (highly unqualified) doctor named Macdead. The Surrey Enigma, Marcus L. Rowland, 1985. We’re excited today to be announcing the release of Convicts & Cthulhu Ticket of Leave #15: The Death Knells. Back around Christmas time we were contacted by a reader called Bill who was running the scenario for his group and typing up a detailed account of the group’s escapades on his own blog. The British military has a long tradition of regimental bands, and even the bottom-of-the-barrel NSW Corps had its own band — not to mention the drummers and fifers that were assigned to various companies. ##Scenarios for Keepers and Players with some experience. I guess I can see their point; when we started collecting download links there were maybe a dozen things and it was fine to just list them all as text descriptions one after another. You can grab them ALL in one go by downloading the following ZIP file. And also an endless fount of new ideas — in response to the request to chase up my idea, he identified a bundle of other great ideas for future topics we could cove as well! Wanted to get into cosmic horror roleplaying game Call of Cthulhu but thwarted by the rulebook? Which tells you a lot about that game system. We’ve been made aware of at least 2 audio recordings and 1 video session recording made by groups running through this Gaslights-meets-Mechanical-Dreamlands scenario. Enter your email address to follow Cthulhu Reborn and receive notifications of new posts by email. A sinister plot to bring America to her knees. Please keep posts on topic and pertaining to the Call of Cthulhu tabletop RPG. "The Derelict" is brand new, 32 page previously unpublished scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition by the Only Old One himself, Sandy Petersen. But by November, we had pretty much done that … and all money raised started going towards paying to commission the second supplement — Noah Lloyd’s “Smoke Green”, released in early January. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the callofcthulhu community, Welcome to the Call of Cthulhu Reddit Community! While the idea of theatre in the grim and isolated world of early Australia may seem a little peculiar, there is ample historical evidence to confirm that the performance of theatrical plays by convicts did indeed form a unique form of entertainment almost from the time of colonization. This has slowed down the production of the next Ticket of Leave supplement *and* also preparations for our annual GenCon Convicts & Cthulhu game — the latter of which might depend a lot more on exactly what shape GenCon 2020 takes. So … without further ado, let me introduce “Spoiled Milk,” a 21 page newspaper tie-in scenario by Jo Kreil, downloadable right now from here on Cthulhu Reborn. Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition is a must have for fans of the older version of Call of Cthulhu, horror gaming, the Cthulhu Mythos, and H.P. Leave a comment | posted in Convicts & Cthulhu, Dateline: Lovecraft, News & Updates, Scenario Downloads. We plan to keep producing content based on the 1928 Arkham Advertiser issue for a while yet, so more sales of the hard-copy and PDF main title will keep us moving towards that goal. Rachael B. Randolph is a well-known face on the Cthulhu RPG convention circuit, running fantastic original scenarios at several cons including NecronomiCon and GenCon. Since then a whole lot of RealLife[tm] stuff has affected both Geoff and me … and Cthulhu Reborn has become whisked into the hurricane of success that has come with our APOCTHULHU product line. Use the 'Search Options' to search the Character Library for an Investigator/NPC. When we released Dateline: Lovecraft as a PDF back in September, we made a promise that we’d use all profits made from its sale to commission extra scenario content to make the Dateline prop even more useful for those who had taken the plunge to purchase it. Today we are pleased to announce the release of our latest free add-on scenario supplement to allow owners of the core Dateline product to run exciting scenarios in and around Arkham, 1928. This year has been a trial for everyone, but the number of folks who have come forward to grab a copy of our APOCTHULHU books (and also the game SRD) has really lifted the spirits of everyone on the creative team. level 1. Our game group publishes "actual play" write-ups of our scenarios. I love Call of Cthulhu but I haven't been able to actually play in any adventures since before I came to college. It has the isolation feel combined with a little detective mystery. You can hear their audio recording of the 5 sessions of play on their site (and probably also on a variety of podcasting channels and services that they publish to). Ironically this was not because of lewd or unbecoming behaviour caused by convicts gathering at the theatre (although doubtless that occurred), but rather because a few opportunistic thieves decided that performance nights were an unprecedented chance to burgle the houses of theatre-goers. 7th edition call of cthulhu Horror Tabletop Role-Playing Game Cthulhu 1st Edition Box Cthulhu Call, 1981.cover by Gene Day.Designer.Sandy PetersenPublisher(s) Chaos Publication Date 1981Gen Re(s) Horror System (s) Basic role-playing (adaptations to other systems are also available) Calls for the seventh edition of Cthulhu, published by Chaosium in 2014. With this PDF now out in the wild, the “tally” is reset and every dollar raised gets us closer to a FOURTH supplement! The Investigators are hastily scrambled to find out what dire plot or deception those sneaky Americans are up to … but of course soon find themselves adrift in their own sea of troubles. The PDF itself is still available (with CoC 6e stats) for free over on the Downloads Page for Rescued Scenarios. Today we released three digital resource bundles that may help folks who are considering running one of the two big scenarios from the APOCTHULHU Core book — Jeff Moeller’s “Kick the Can” or Jo Kreil’s “A Yellow and Unpleasant Land.” If you’ve previously bought the core rules from DriveThruRPG you should receive a message to say three additional ZIP files have been added to your purchase: these are the newly-released bundles. 2 years ago. Are there any good ones out there I've missed? 2 Comments | posted in APOCTHULHU, Convicts & Cthulhu, Dateline: Lovecraft, News & Updates, Scenario Downloads. This is a PDF-only version of our upcoming three-panel Keeper Screen is mounted on thick hardcover stock, folding out to 34 inches wide. Quick view. This game was run under lockdown with their in-house system called “nameless” with the session being GM’ed by the capable Helen (with most players joining via Zoom calls to Innsmouth House Global HQ). (new handouts). Although most such adventures are played with your friends, this one is just for you. A strange man in Black Robes has appeared in Sydney calling himself “Solander”. Leaving aside the military, music also played a part in the life of the more well-off free settlers. While it technically needs the Dateline: Newspaper to provide some of the scenario’s key props, an imaginative GM could probably fill in the gaps for themselves if they didn’t want to purchase our product (but we didn’t tell you that). … And then it came to me: we have never done anything about musical performance in the colony. We are always interested in how our games get used, and if you’ve made something nifty we might be interested in sharing it for other gamers to enjoy! The version linked here includes game stats for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition RPG. I'm trying to find a 7th edition scenario regarding Yig or a cult of Yig as the big bad or at least as a driving force behind the campaign. Horror, mystery and a deadly mythos monster! Obviously, since I'm going to play I can't know the details of any of these scenarios or it would ruin the fun. Both the Night Watch and the Colonial Government want the perpetrator caught and tried immediately … but, as usual, it turns out not to be anywhere near as simple as that. Sort By: Quick View. Not only were these three men strangled silently in the night, but whoever committed the foul crime also quizzically left a large hand-axe, apparently of French origin, embedded in the brass of the large bell which stands adjacent to the Government Wharf. While we’ve done lots of Lovecraftian scenario handouts before, these are a first for us. Downloadable NOW direct from Cthulhu Reborn. For the former, Geoff has been putting in some extraordinary hours in historical research for another Ticket of Leave supplement. save. The brewery is a much-loved Arkham-area institution that has fallen from its perch as being the region’s foremost supplier of sodas (or, more correctly in New England parlance, “tonics”). Definitely want a Keeper with experience and time to prepare, as it has a lot of NPCs and a large sandbox setting. A criminal gang was supposed to deliver these items to a remote location near Banks’ Town. In fact there are three separate articles peppered through the paper that relate to this one topic … not to mention the three advertisements by local Arkham dairies promoting the uniquely “healthful” nature of their produce. Geoff Gillan first came up with the idea for this release, a PDF which explores the unlikely phenomenon of convict theatre in the early penal colonies of Australia, about a year ago. The dead are people who the Investigators knew well from their own service in the Night Watch, so the foul murders strike home in a personal way. Go to the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition section. In addition to all those things that have either been released, or will shortly be released, we’re also aware of at least one other Cthulhu Reborn scenario that’s been recently played and recorded … but is still waiting in the queue for audio processing and release. The ToL in question (#9) can be downloaded via this link. Ticket of Leave #14: Hark, Now Hear the Sailors Cry (STATTED version) [32 pages; 6.4MB]. The DTRPG page also offers softcover print copies. Lovecraft. “Kick The Can” Audio Handout bundle — all 17 MP3s as a ZIP (16MB). The subject matter for this Ticket of Leave is theatrical performance in the early convict colonies. There are several historical reasons for this choice … but one of the most intriguing from a plot perspective is that in 1812 Britain and America are at war! With the release of Call of Cthulhu (CoC) 7th Edition, there has been increased interest in people wanting to run CoC 7th Ed scenarios. King has ordered the Investigators to “volunteer” to help since they already have experience of the Botany Bay region from their earlier smuggling ‘sting.’. Can we use them with 7th Edition? You can grab the free 36-page PDF for “Bottoms Up!” using the link below: Dateline EXTRA: “Bottoms Up!” (36 pages; 7.5MB PDF). It is a horror story set in the 1920s where you are the main character, and your choices determine the outcome. These write-ups are divided into the following groups: Delta Green: Days of Infamy World War II Campaign (2013 – Present) - Our ongoing Delta Green campaign starting in World War II. You can download the 33-page PDF which contains the campaign outline as a free download from here on the Cthulhu Reborn blog. The scenario sees the investigators in 1930's Oklahoma, during the Dust Bowl. Like most of our “Ticket of Leave” supplements, the scenario half of ToL#16 includes three different Mythos backdrops for the peculiar events the investigators will be examining. The recording has been made by (at the time of writing) hasn’t yet been shared — it will probably only be available to Patrons of Many are currently available only in PDF format, but we are working on that as well. The possibilities are so numerous and often so strange that it is pointless to write them up as skills. “Bottoms Up!” immerses investigators in the cut-throat world of 1920s soda manufacturing in and around the Miskatonic Valley. Half a world a way in the fledgling United States a conflict has erupted that will eventually become known as the “War of 1812.” In the colonies, news of this fighting is greeted with much interest and only serves to heighten the concerns raised when an American whaleship is discovered floating — seemingly derelict — in Bass’s Straits. 7th Edition scenarios. $21.99. Some, especially, served as a kind of musical “map” which allowed for a traveller to navigate unknown terrain safely without fear of becoming lost. My guess is that people are playing online a lot more, and some free, high-quality scenarios service that need pretty well — especially for one-shot game sessions. Evil forces are at work to use the new medium of film to herald the coming of other-worldy entities. This is a solo adventure for the Call of Cthulhu game. Given how many people are playing online at present, this seems like an important think for us to fix — hence the pack of JPGs we also released today for “Kick the Can”. I will also be trying to write a few suggestions for linking some of our products together to make more extended gaming experiences — mini-campaigns and the like. We always love seeing people taking our free content and finding new and different ways of using it, so we say ‘yay Helen’. The scenario begins when investigators are asked to find out who was responsible for a horrible night of carnage that has seen the murders of three members of Sydney’s Night Watch (see ToL#1). While the existence of a convict theatre might have been tolerated, that’s not to say that it was exactly welcomed — indeed it seems that the earliest theatres were perpetually threatened with closure by the colonial government. Naturally we never want to play favourites when it comes to our scenarios … so while we were at it, we also created a digital JPG pack (handouts/map/pre-gens) for Jo Kreil’s superb “A Yellow and Unpleasant Land”, also in the core rulebook. I'll describe why I didn't go looking through old threads. It’s a bit of a quandry — if you have an opinion, leave it in the comments below this post. Quick View. As with the majority of things released via this blog, this file is released under a Creative Commons License, which means you’re free to whatever (non-commercial) things you’d like to do with it. Girls at the school have begun to report mysterious and eerie phenomenon in the weeks leading up to Christmas, prompting some to think that the school is haunted. Via online channels we can be further connected to a large network of fellow human-beings with similar interests — those people are kind of like an extended family, and like a family we should all band together to support one another. With all the odd audio snippets mentioned in the adventure it was only a matter of time before we got the urge to try to compose some recorded MP3 versions of the clips … to serve as kind of Audio Handouts. Sydney Town awakes one morning to news of a terrible night of carnage that has left three members of the Night Watch dead and a curious axe left embedded in the Harbour Bell which is used to signal the arrival of new ships. I don’t want to be a shocking name-dropper, but if you grab the files below you’ll see some of those gaming luminaries in the PDF credits document. If you prefer running other D100 games (or earlier editions of CoC), there’s also a version which refers back to the Open Cthulhu SRD, which might be closer to your game of choice. Common classes of melee weapons are Clubs or Blunt Instruments, Foils or Rapiers, Knives, and Swords or Sabers. This chapter introduces life after dark in Sydney. And it really is pitch black during nights on a small Isle off the scottish west coast. I’m new to the game and I’m preparing to run it with a group of friends. Aficionados of Lovecraft’s writings might recall the fictional town of Bolton as a HPL creation mentioned in “Herbert West: Reanimator” — a factory town close to Arkham where the eponymous Herbert West briefly ran a medical practice. “In A Different Light” is the very first scenario we ever released here on Cthulhu Reborn (back in 2011). We don't want all these great classics to go away and are working to bring back as many as we can for you to enjoy. We’ve heard back from quite a few different groups who have given it a run over the years. : //, press J to jump to the latter are included at the top of this post and so! Often so strange that it is pointless to write them up as skills do you any! To 2nd Edition CoC which has just arrived in Sydney Harbour you wanted something longer time to prepare as... First of all, I apologize if this is a solo adventure for the horror genre 17! 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