Many zoos are ran by the state and/or city, using taxpayer funds to operate and even bring the animals to the zoo. In most if not all states, there are programs where children who live in poor households can receive school lunch for free. 37. Ephemeral socialist states Edit These are short-lived political entities that emerged during wars, revolutions, or unrest and declared themselves socialist under some interpretation of the term, but which did not survive long enough to create a stable government or achieve international recognition. The Department of Homeland Security - Created after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, this heavily federally funded department of the U.S. government helps protect us from future terrorist attacks. Peace Corps - The Peace Corps is a volunteer program run by the government that helps people outside of the US to understand our culture as well as helping us learn about other cultures. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. ... Well written, professionally published, sure to anger many and educate & motivate others; above all, “United States of Socialism” deserves to be read 740 people found this helpful. So in a sense, I guess you could say our whole country is run on socialism. You know, the way things were under that socialist Bill Clinton. ), Ways to get involved in the 2020 Election. 20. You need elected lawmakers to make the laws and a government to implement and enforce them. National socialism and communism are very, very different from Democratic Socialism here in America. Besides, don't you see the bad incentives in having a private prison system that profits from having people in prison? Socialism in the United States The 19th century had been a period of rapid industrial expansion in America. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. Well it's all made possible by socialism. Amtrak - Amtrak transports tens of millions of passengers a year in 46 states and three Canadian Providences. Many countries that have tried socialism and found that it didn’t work are turning toward capitalism, to one degree or another, even as the United States seems intent on pursuing socialism. Socialism is patriotic? The thing is, socialism is all over America and people actually like it. This has included how socialism can be achieved, whether through small-scale legislative policies, such as that espoused by most Of course I'm talking about the welfare that goes to poor people. Socialism has brought down Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Bin Laden. State Snow Removal - Even though sometimes it may take them longer than you like to get to your street, do you like having snow plow service to clear our roads and highways in the winter? This little piece of socialism helps prevent our senior citizens from sinking into poverty and starving to death. Social democracy is a political, social and economic philosophy within socialism. We are going to get through this. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. All brought to you and maintained with your tax dollars. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.). Like it when the beach is clean and safe? Though if you look at it realistically and not through the red scare glasses in which the right sees the world, welfare helps the economy. 53. Socialism is not a bad thing. But if you don't like breathing mercury, drinking dirty water, and breathing in chemicals, you should like this example of socialism working for the people. How to Stop It. For the first time in the history of the world, the day is coming very soon when a majority of the people in the world will live in free societies or societies rapidly moving toward freedom. They're just not telling you that they like their socialist health care, they just don't think you should have it. The CIA is completely taxpayer funded to protect the public from enemies. This is the main argument behind a health care mandate. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. 4. As a part of homeland security and an agency of the federal government, they use taxpayer dollars to help cities, states, and towns recover and rebuild. The government then dispenses these funds to our military, states, and social programs. Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. This allows the public to travel across rivers without having to sail or swim. How to Stop It.が通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。D'Souza, Dinesh作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。 We pay for every aspect of their job. FDA - The Food and Drug Administration is far from perfect. 44 percent of Democrats said yes, but only 29 percent of … It's not to force you to buy health care out of cruelty. The history of socialism in the United States will be presented and examples of its failures will be given. | TheHill Government as an entity operates and functions on our tax dollars through a socialist structured funding system. These socialist programs are in addition to the many public programs that exist to provide a social safety net. We as taxpayers fund the pentagon completely. Disability Insurance (SSDI) - For those who are disabled and cannot work, our government provides an income for them via taxpayer dollars as opposed to the other option of letting them starve to death. However, just like corporate welfare, welfare is socialism. Emergency measures” remain Socialism’s main play for seizing permanent power. Just being able to walk right in, or at the worse pay a small fee? 61. I know, I know. 48. To be fair though, many businesses do earn their subsidies by advancing green technology and practice, donating to charity, helping communities, etc. 75. Public Parks - Like going to the park on a sunny day? In The Communist Manifesto Marx says, “The … Bridges - Along with our highways, our government used your taxpayer dollars to build bridges. The United States was founded upon the principle of 13 former colonies working together for mutual defense and benefit. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. 9. As liberals, we don't want a government takeover, we want options. 11. The government recognizes this. Socialism makes this possible and available to everyone. Fabian Socialism: This type of socialism was extolled by a British organization called the Fabian Society in the late 1900s. Government is the only entity in America that can defend us from foreign enemies and our tax dollars are used for every second of it. The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people. Programs that use tax dollars to help the poor or the non-white ARE socialism. Customs and Border Protection  - the CBP is the largest law enforcement agency in America. I know, this is bad... Now relax and breath. However, this taxpayer funded, socialist agency of the federal government regulates trade, imports, and immigration. 52. To pull the country out of the Great Depression, over 30,000 public works programs were sponsored by the government under FDR’s administration. He gives 2 examples, one involving our current president and one involving Obama. Thank Socialism. It's okay, you are amongst friends and we support you. 18. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? 66. Food Stamps - Republicans fill with bitter contempt knowing that our government at the expense of the taxpayer is giving poor people money to buy food they couldn't otherwise afford. Hoover Dam - Remember when our country use to build things? So this form of socialism is a life saver for this nation's grandparents and senior citizens. Your tax dollars are used to fight wars for your country. Court System - Whether it's the murder trial of the century or a case in a small claims court, the taxpayers of America fully fund our courts and legal process. They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. Unemployment Insurance - All your working life, you pay payroll taxes. Strange —  for all the wars the U.S. has fought trying to stop Socialist ideas, you’d think that war was a Capitalist venture. I believe options are a form of freedom. This is Big Government at it's biggest. However, they have a higher escape rate than their socialist counterpart. 72. Department of Justice - The DOJ is responsible for enforcing the law. This final paper is on experiences with socialism and capitalism in the United States and will draw on many of the other aspects of business history we learned this term. The failure of socialism inspired a worldwide renaissance of freedom and liberty. I wonder how Fox feels about that? to put out your burning home thanks to socialism. If you’re pressed for time, here’s      a two-minute version where Bernie himself explains what Democratic Socialism means to him. Another panelist gives an example of a Fascistic market where senior citizens would go across the border to get their medicine there because it was cheaper because Canada has socialized medicine. They also collect data and enforce federal laws and regulations involving education. You literally pay for their health care while they tell you that paying for your neighbors health care through a public option or single-payer system is socialism. Taxpayer money is collected and used to help protect all of society from murders, molesters, rapist, etc. 17. Polio Vaccine - In the 1950's polio ravaged the United States. Without our government and lawmakers which exist thanks to socialism, there would be no laws. NPR has been one of the most trusted news sources in America for over 40 years. 1. We think we should have the freedom to be able to choose to have government health care if we don't like our private plan. So they gave the government some bribes (campaign contributions) and the government passed laws that made it illegal to get drugs overseas. They deserve more, but covering their health care is a good start. This creates a demand. Welfare is one of those things that’s bad-mouthed for being Socialist because why take care of the needy? After Bernie gave his speech on what Democratic Socialism meant to him, The Young Turks had a segment on it and the woman who narrated the video above was a guest. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a … I love hearing rich people bitch about this one because the truth is that they do not pay a social security tax, like most payroll taxes. Johnston cited several examples of corporate socialism. 73. If everyone is covered, costs drop for everyone. There is nothing more feared and hated in America. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. The IRS is the reason that we have anything. Although there is no universally accepted definition for socialism , most definitions agree that resources are used for the common good. 6. I just wanted to bring this back in hopes of sparking a real, rational conversation about socialism. To have law, you need a government. It benefits each and every one of us in one way or another. Department of Education - This cabinet of the federal government is actually the smallest. Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Like having lifeguards on staff in case of an emergency? They are afraid you might like it better than the private insurance you have now that funds their campaigns and gives them money to push what is best for them and not for you. America is already Socialist. Below the fold is 75 ways socialism has improved, shaped, and built America. 28. Our entire civilization depends on us being a people united. Each of these is an example of socialism. 7. The United States of Socialism is an informative, provocative, and thrilling exposé not merely of the ideas, but also the tactics of the socialist left. Since 2000, Uncle Sam has given 68 billion in business grants and tax credits, 2/3 of which has gone to large corporations. I don't know to many private companies that could assist in disaster relief and ask nothing in return. 64. You know that all rich people must have worked hard and all poor people are lazy. I know this because they always have. 55. Well I hate to be the one to tell you, but Socialism, which you have been told to fear all your life, is responsible for all this... 1. National Weather Service - Like knowing when a storm, tornado, earthquake, or snow is coming? My overall argument is not for a completely socialist nation. Transportation and energy are the biggest beneficiaries. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. There are also many private prisons in the United States. Republicans, the compassionate Christians that they are, absolutely hate this program. You pay for others, others pay for you. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. 21. I feel the narrative around common sense, Democratic Socialism is constantly negative and too many liberals are afraid to associate themselves with the word. The earliest forms of socialism are evident in the early 19th century with the establishment of what was called 'Utopian' Socialism, a form of socialism that focused on establishing communities that had a goal where there would be minimal social ills made possible through collective social action. Democratic socialism is a political philosophy supporting political democracy within a socially owned economy, with a particular emphasis on economic democracy, workplace democracy and workers' self-management within a market socialist economy or some form of … This short video (with my rough transcript and a few added thoughts) lists 5 ways we’re already Socialist. You're a conservative that believes in freedom and the constitution. W.W. Norton & Company, New York Google Scholar Meyerson H (2018) The return of American socialism. CIA - The Central Intelligence Agency is vital to America's security. Rich or poor. (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication. You see, we are still a capitalist nation. 51. They themselves and the work they do is taxpayer-funded state socialism. This may sound like a good thing to some radical republicans, but for those of us with sense, we know this means anarchy in the USA. Then once again, thank the taxpayers and the socialist structure that makes it all possible. From the forms that are sent to your home for you to fill out and send back in and to the census worker who shows up and kindly asks you to fill out the form if you don't send it in, all taxpayer funded socialism. The weekend was never part of big business’ plan. Garbage Collection - Like having your garbage collected once a week instead of having to drive it to the landfill yourself? 27. State Construction - Ever see those construction workers in your town fixing potholes, erecting buildings, repaving highways and roads, and fixing things all over town? No word strikes more fear into the heart of Fox News anchors. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? Thank OSHA! Health Care for 9/11 Rescue Workers - After beating back GOP obstruction, Democrats finally passed a bill last year to allow government to help 9/11 rescue worker's with their health care after many came down with horrible lung diseases from the toxins they breathed in rescuing people from smoldering buildings. Your tax dollars go towards covering uninsured children, is that so wrong? They don't like it when socialism is used for working/poor people, but when it's for millionaires and their corporate donors, socialism becomes as American as apple pie. 1. Not to enslave you in a FEMA camp. However, they have also stopped many harmful foods and products from being sold to the public and protect us everyday from poisons being disguised as products. Now as we Public Street Lighting - Like being able to see at night when you walk or drive? It was fought for and won by the Labor Movement of the late 19th and early 20th Century — a movement that was full of Socialists. 57. 54. 59. Besides, socialism defeated Hitler. The United States has always been a socialist country. The laughing hyena is an appropriate example of how Socialism ascends to dominance, even in the presence of ostensibly greater creatures. On the other side of the globe, the United States is using different tactics to reduce the immense threat of communist North Korea, the only country that ranks worse than Venezuela in freedom. for their service. It is owned by the federal government and your tax dollars are used to fund it. Socialism and capitalism have always co-existed in America. The IRS gets a bad rap because if you don't pay your taxes or owe them money, they can be ruthless. Then thank government and the socialist structure. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for United States of Socialism: Who's Behind It. In the United States, there’s already a form of socialism in place with the public schools offered in the K-12 grade range for each community. The taxpayers of the state pay for this. The United National Independence Party is a political party based on African socialism. 70. I hope your sitting down... As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! As I've said many times, when poor people have money in their pocket, they buy things made and sold by companies. They are 100% correct, it is socialism. Organized socialism never became powerful in the United States. 44. State/City Zoos - American families have been going to the zoo for generations. If you don't believe me, just look at almost any poll. All Elected Government Officials - From the Supreme Court, to the President of the United States and all the way down to the County Dog Catcher, taxpayers pay their salary and provide the funding for them to do their job. This is the third largest department within the United States government. If you yanked everyone who is on welfare off of it tomorrow, the economy would take a blow and lose jobs due to the down tick in consumer demand because we just took what little money they had away. 36. Brought to you by the taxpayers of America and socialism. 30. All aboard!! All social programs, ie.,welfare, workfare, soc sec, Medicaid, medicare, public education and the 10 million other "projects you never hear about. 3. So the laws themselves, are enforced and implemented thanks to socialism. Town/State Run Beaches - Like going to the beach? I'll just end this one with a quick story. Law - Laws and rules make our democracy possible. 24. Has socialism already failed in the United States? This is big government that republicans actually do like because they don't like Mexicans immigrating to our country like our ancestors did. Canada is more socialist than the United States, but by and large, classifying Canada as a socialist country requires a very narrow definition of what socialism is. Corporations love Socialism. NPR - National Public Radio operates on private and federal funding along with public donations. Socialism refers to a broad spectrum of economic systems in bill allows veterans to pursue an education by using taxpayer dollars to help them pay for most of their schooling. Sign and send the petition: Demand the Senate pass the For the People Act and rebuild our democracy, Sign and send the petition: End the filibuster to restore democracy, Sign if you agree: Matt Gaetz should resign from Congress. There is no fathomable way they could have 2 or 3 jobs they work very hard at but still can't make ends meet. If there is no one collecting taxes, no one will pay them. Infrastructure that’s now crumbling even with President Obama’s 2009 stimulus package which tried to pull us out of the most recent Wall Street-induced meltdown. FDR defended it by saying “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have little. This is a repost of a blog I wrote last year. 56. You got it all figured out. You may need temporary assistance until you get back on your feet. 45. Civilization - As an American citizen, you enjoy freedoms that many in other countries do not. 19. Don't think of this as an intervention, think of it as a coming out of the closet party. Wouldn't you like a nice big check just for not breaking the law? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Corporate/Business Subsidies - This is the type of socialism that is acceptable in the Republican party. This is completely possible because of government, taxes, and socialism. Members of congress are free to opt out of their evil government health care, but most of them don't because deep down, they like socialism too. It's going to be okay! Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. Bill - The G.I. There is no other reason why they could be poor considering life is completely fair and all people are born into situations and environments that allow them to have all the opportunities and blessings that you had. Public Defenders - Ever been in trouble and couldn't afford a lawyer? (15) Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States (1980) Eugene Debs had become a Socialist while in jail in the Pullman strike. Mount Rushmore. The D.C. National Mall. Some of the most remarkable Americans were Socialists, including Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, Caesar Chavez, Helen Keller, Harry Houdini, Francis Bellamy (who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance) and Katherine Lee Bates, who wrote America the Beautiful. The success of labor unions and the government in securing workers’ rights, joined with the high … Many such communities were established throughout the United States in the early to mid-19t… 40. 68. Welfare - Is there anything the republicans hate more? You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life. They aren't all bad. 4. They are the home of Sesame Street, Masterpiece Theater, and The Antiques Roadshow. 31. Socialism keeps our civilization intact. 49. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything. The military — the one area of spending that no one would dare call Socialist, and yet, it’s largely funded by you — the taxpayer. ), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Ways to get involved in the 2020 Election. Fire Dept. 60. I don't understand why this isn't viewed as a corporate takeover of health care. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. 33. 1. 41. Your tax dollars are used to help keep what you are eating safe and even feed those who are not eating. In this clip, they play part of the above video and discuss it and Bernie’s speech on Democratic Socialism. One panelist makes the point that many people think you either have a Socialist economy or a Capitalist economy, but you actually have an economy that is the product of tens of thousands of competing influences — some of them more towards a free market, some of them more towards a controlled market, and some of them more towards a Fascistic market where government and corporations work against the common man. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. Whenever you drive on a highway, drive across a bridge, get electricity from a dam, or go to a school or hospital, you’re probably partaking in American Socialism. Without money to operate, nothing operates. The GOP supports families, the Pentagon, and private stock corporations. Since a business's  top goal is to make more money than the year before, the only feasible agenda would be to get everyone in prison. 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