Do you agree with Google’s policy on names? As The New York Times reported: “Google first said it didn’t know where they were, so it couldn’t produce them. Colin Berkshire is a highly technical HR executive in the Pulp and Paper Industry. Hint: If you are stuck, think outside the box. This is actually an article about search engine optimization (SEO), and journalism, and artificial intelligence (AI), but because I want people to read it, I am obligated to repeat a “focus keyphrase” from the headline in this opening paragraph (the “lede” in journalism lingo), word-for-word — no variations of any kind. I promise. Mike has started and successfully ran several niche sites so he knows what he’s doing when it comes to growing a blog’s traffic with SEO. Or, care. Complete the quiz to find out and proved to your friends that you are not STUPID! Shop Hoodies: Worldwide Shipping Fantastic rant, loved it! Quite how stupid, though, you might not realize. “Don’t worry about a thing” Google purrs. For instance, here are some of my all time favorite dumbest Google searches: Is there really a bacon shortage predicted for 2013? WANT A FREE MP3? As I’ve said elsewhere: Google’s policy is stupid, and if you agree with it, you’re stupid too. Pin . Google treats governments this way, too. Best Halloween costume ever made from beer cans There’s recycling, then there’s recycling. Soon, perhaps, I’ll actually be looking for a recipe for “marshmallow fondant”—not the old master himself. (2) 1. Quite how stupid, though, you might not realize. No, you're stupid because you're stupid and/or lazy. Did it store email? Features: + Full of Brain Teasers, IQ questions and many more! Is Google Making Us Stupid? Receive new posts in your email once a week. Adam Pash. “We’ll take care of you.”. Or understand. What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains! You. Google is doing that all over the place. 6/10/08 5:00PM . Inevitably, when I arrived at some unmarked building crucial to the network’s functioning, the same thing happened: the veil of secrecy didn’t descend, but lifted. Google Is Not Making You Stupid : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture The new media are changing us. YOU THINK YOU ARE SMART? Last week The New York Times reported on Google’s stonewalling of privacy investigations begun by former Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. Does Google Make You Stupid? Johannes Caspar, a data-protection official in Germany, certainly felt this way when, as part of an inquiry into Google’s Street View mapping program, he asked to inspect one of Google’s data-collection cars. Become an Insider or All Access Subscriber for alerts and access to uncensored content. The place had been portrayed as a poorly hidden, smog-belching factory, an image incongruous with the clean white pages, friendly demeanor, and immediate access we otherwise associate with Google. “ It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it” 2. However, you can also use Google to make yourself stupid. Google is dumb even with finding what you explicitly ask for try girl appropriately touches boy, Aluminium phase diagram, try to exclude terms such using “-” it ignores your request. Stupid. Company officials had been vocal about turning over a new leaf, releasing some statistics from their data centers around the world, and even a short video tour. I Love You, Stupid! tigtog says: 17 August 2011 at 1:04 pm. It was bigger than them. TalkingHeadz Podcast with Bill Wignall, CEO of Sangoma. For the last several years I have been on a quest—see my new book, Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet—to visit the actual, physical Internet: its wires, buildings, and places. Sorry if that bothers — no, actually, not sorry, because I don’t feel sorry to tell you that you’re stupid. Because with google you buy for placement. 255 Replies to “Right, Google, you stupid cunts, this is simply not on!” Mick says: 17 August 2011 at 12:42 pm. I say this an autistic, dyslexic person mind you. After my tour of Google’s parking lot, I joined a hand-picked group of Googlers for lunch in their cafeteria overlooking the Columbia River. 2. All companies keep secrets, if some more than others. Why can’t Google take a full question and understand the underlying meaning of the question and give a decent response? No, no exceptions. But Google, fat and happy with profits, doesn’t seem able to innovate. Stop, will you? Add to Wishlist. Just because people can find information quickly on their smartphones does not mean they are intelligent at all. But Google does not trust you. Or maybe you are stupid or even an idiot. Check your email to confirm your subscription. Then, on May 3, it allowed a technical expert in Mr. Caspar’s office to see a vehicle. The Wolfram Alpha system impresses me. 92. And you are. If every technological extension is also an amputation—as Marshall McLuhan said—then I wonder what part of me Google will cut off next., Hey, lots of people thought it was funny. Today we all know the 12 button dial with 123 at the top and * and # in the bottom left and right. Yes, really. Eventually, emboldened by my peanut-butter cups, I said only that I was disappointed not to have the opportunity to go inside a data center and learn more. “Free speech right” might be instead “right of saying the TRUTH”, not just anything that comes in your empty head ! No? Fifteen years ago, the state of the art of full-text searching was word proximity based searching. The cumulative message was clear: It’s my Internet, but it’s your Internet too. $9.99 Ebook. The conversation consisted of a PR handler prompting each of them to say a few words about how much they liked living in The Dalles and working at Google. please, watching you act like a four year old who can’t have a cookie is fucking hilarious…. Save. The Idiot Quiz is full of brain twisting questions. Baby. Google is stupid. My guides happily led me around, and nearly always spent extra time to make sure I understood what I was looking at. Is Google Making Us Stupid? Earlier this month, Sangoma closed on its acquisition of Star2Star Communications. I rarely use it. Meanwhile, if you haven’t already seen it, enjoy this very funny You Tube video of “If Google were a person.” It’s one of my favorite humor snippets: (Only 2 minutes.) We used to say that Google was making us stupid. Google Makes You Stupid. Free sample. Yet the Internet I visited was also a surprisingly friendly place, populated by smart, welcoming people, proud of what they do and eager to tell me about it. So, here is the truth, even if you like it or not. Guy Billout "Dave, stop. “That’s not something that we probably discuss. You stupid, stupid bastards clearly have no fucking idea how names work in the real world. Knowing the tight lid Google kept on its facilities, I had been pleasantly surprised when my request was granted to see their data center in The Dalles, Ore. Google is free to act as it sees fit, disregarding of your opinion. Here, I give a short summary of Carr’s argument and show how you can cite it in your essay depending on the position you take. Lock . “Did you mean to attach files?” Gmail helpfully asked one day. Today, Google search doesn’t see to be any smarter than it was 15 years ago. “Google resisted providing more information, even in the face of its acknowledgment that the collection was a mistake,” Blumenthal recalled. Become my Patron for only pennies a day. By James Heaton / Jun 08, 2012 The alethiometer. It was published in the July/August 2008 edition of The Atlantic magazine as a six-page cover story. You hand the search engine a few words and the documents with those words come back, usually sorted intelligently based upon the proximity of those words to each other, with weighting applied for adjacency. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "you stupid" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Why is Google So Stupid August 07, 2015 by Colin Berkshire. Why Google Isn't Making You Stupid. What the Internet is doing to our brains. My sister jokingly refers to Google as “the alethiometer” after the fictional device found in Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy. But the hard drive with data was missing.”. Their stance is the corporate equivalent of a 1950s-era gynecologist who believes women can’t comprehend what’s being done to their own bodies. Did this building contain the computers that crawl through the Web for the search index? I say this an autistic, dyslexic person mind you. Impressive. You can know how it works. We tend to think of infrastructure like this—when we bother to think of it at all—as top secret and obscured, the kinds of places listed in WikiLeaks dumps, protected by rent-a-cops, and generally inscrutable. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Did it process search queries? We know Google can’t be evil, because it says it’s not, and that’s how reality works now.But what about stupid?. Answer all question correctly to prove that you are a GENIUS! What repeatedly strikes me aren’t Google’s secrecy, obfuscation, or blank denials, but the flat-footed implication that those of us who are curious—whether journalists, attorneys general, or you—can be brushed aside, as if we don’t even understand what it is we’re not understanding. All those things are undoubtedly true. The Internet giant doesn’t trust anyone to understand anything, says Andrew Blum, author of ‘Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet.’. It aired on Comedy Central in the United States on October 6, 2010. I was totally pseudonymous online until a couple of years ago, when I decided to tie my wallet name to my pseudonym (with little fanfare, I just put it on my About pages finally). The IBM Watson system impresses me. Google YOU SUCK!!! Open Road Media. is a magazine article by technology writer Nicholas G. Carr, and is highly critical of the Internet's effect on cognition. Stupid! You should know how it works. Fifteen years ago, the state of the art of full-text searching was word proximity based searching. I considered expressing my frustration at the kabuki going on, but I decided it wasn’t their choice. Assume everyone has a camera on phone to scan code on temp sensor. When an effort at explanation is made, it’s done with cartoons and bright colors, or with animations that look like something my 2-year-old would like. So I heard, but just wanted to make sure. You are wrong and right. It must be that decisions are being made by politicians/managers (same thing) who don’t really solve problems. Colin has an engineering and voice background, and is currently on assignment in Asia. Walking past a large data center building, painted yellow like a penitentiary, I asked what went on inside. BWAHAHAHA… Spaz out more! It was a scripted non-answer, however awkwardly expressed. This is disturbing (if predictable) behavior from an oil or pharmaceutical company; from an “information” company it is chilling. It’s NOT a search engine. You're almost done! We used to say that Google was making us stupid. And it’s not that they don’t trust you to keep a secret, as you trust them, but rather they don’t trust you to understand. Hey there, gentle reader! Then you’re stupid! It understands questions on complex medical issues and intelligently responds. I offered one suggestion on how to stop it here. Become a subscriber to TalkingPointz for access to reports and premium posts. 50% OFF HOODIES Limited Time Offer! My PR handler’s response was immediate: “Senators and governors have been disappointed too!”, Then a guy came off the lunch line wearing a T-shirt that said: “People who think they know everything are annoying to those of us who actually do.”, Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet. If you use this searching engine for everything you do, you are killing your intuition and knowledge, and that is stupid. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. “Google will make us more informed,” said Hal Varian, chief economist for Google. But now the process is complete: Google knows we’re stupid. "Poor and Stupid" is the eighth episode and mid-season premiere of the fourteenth season of the American animated television series South Park, and the 203rd overall episode of the series. The alethiometer is a tool that can supply the truth in answer to any question … if you know how to read it. “You mean what The Dalles does?” my guide responded. Yes, really. When I visited a Google data center—and by “visited” I mean “was given a tour of the parking lot”—I experienced this condescension firsthand. Obviously you city tech geeks don't realize some people have to remove cameras cause where there work security rules!!! Nicholas Carr was right: Google makes us stupid.” In addition to the hundreds of other individuals around the world that Pew queries, the researchers gave Google and Carr a chance to speak for themselves. We don’t need…. go here: ME KEEP THE WORLD SILLY! Various studies and writers have convinced many of us that Google is making us stupid. (Why aren’t there emojis for Touch-Tone…, I don’t know why we make SPAM calling so easy. But now the process is complete: Google knows we’re stupid. (alternatively Is Google Making Us Stoopid?) Remember, the old media were once new media, too. These are unsponsored and unscripted for your enjoyment. But I’m sure that data is available internally.” (I bet.) This happened dozens of times, all over the world. whoever you are. And it might have been excusable, if the contrast weren’t so stark with the dozens of other pieces of the Internet that I visited. The merger marks Sangoma’s largest acquisition, which was likely its 8-10th company it bought (no one seems to know…, Huh? But the more things change, the more they stay the same. The one exception to that openness was Google—and the strange hypocrisy of that is something I’ve yet to get over. Right? Google makes people think they are smarter than they really are Google dependency is also making people think they are smarter than they really are. So, really, why can’t I ask Google and get documents that meaningfully answer my question. “You wrote, ‘I’m attaching’ in your message, but there are no files attached.” Then there was the part that could quote Marshall McLuhan without Googling. Have to have a camera to add a sensor to app?! It breaks down a question, extracts meaning, and then works towards presenting a calculated answer based on the underlying facts. The history of the Touch-Tone dial is remarkably complicated and fascinating. 255 Replies to “Right, Google, you stupid cunts, this is simply not on!” Madonna says: 16 August 2011 at 1:42 pm. NOTE: Colin does not respond to comments, and does not Tweet. It seems you are just free to say stupid things, you moron that polute the web ! Type or speak questions like “how do i find my ip address”, “how many carbs are in a Big Mac”, “how long is the drive from Somerville Massachusetts to Manhattan”, “what’s the average height of a man”, “what’s the capital of Wisconsin”, …, Try asking it what function controls breathing during sleep and see what it comes up with., If that strikes you as funny then here is part 2: You can subscribe on most podcast apps including iTunes. Google was the outlier—not only for being the most secretive but the most disingenuous about that secrecy. What is more, when it concerns an argumentative essay on the effects of technology, Nicolas Carr’s article “Is Google Making us Stupid” is a must-read source. The TalkingHeadz podcasts are @DaveMichels and @EvanKirstel chatting with interesting guests. Google doesn’t really understand what you’re asking unless it’s something that people ask often or has relevance to pop culture. This is the company you likely entrust with your personal correspondence, your most intimate instant messages, and a full accounting of your curiosity (going back years). I Google stupid questions people ask on Google and then answer them, or try to understand why they asked them. (It was some consolation that they were treated like children, too.) Does Google Make You Stupid? Stupid Simple SEO (SSSEO) is a Google SEO focused course that was developed by Mike Pearson. That was pretty spiffy stuff in 1999. But what followed was a propagandistic farce. It’s an advertising platform. 0 Recommended Answers 2 Replies 0 Upvotes GOOGLE WTF! You hand the search engine a few words and the documents with those words come back, usually sorted intelligently based upon the proximity of those words to each other, with weighting applied for adjacency. Harry Mazer May 2015. Is Google Making You Stupid? For all your cleverness in building huge data centres to mine every scrap of personal information imaginable, somewhere along the line you’ve failed to Hoover up the fact that names don’t always fit into your neat Americo-centric first name / middle initial / last name pattern. Buy as Gift. Epic Tantrum is epic. Nicholas Carr July/August 2008 Issue. There is a part 3: Surely they have been doing some research with their money. Sangoma (Ontario, Canada) acquired the Florida UCaaS provider for $437M. First there was the part that forgot to include attachments with emails. Google may be a sitting duck, waiting to be played by some company that can give more meaningful answers to my questions. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. There’s not. 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