[64] According to a 2015 opinion poll, 70% express a long-term preference of the maintenance of Northern Ireland's membership of the United Kingdom (either directly ruled or with devolved government), while 14% express a preference for membership of a united Ireland. A crucial aspect of negotiations on this policy, as with many others, concerns the role of the CJEU in arbitrating on and settling disputes relating to justice and policing matters. In terms of the history of NI and the EU, the next date of importance following entry into the EEC, was 1979 in the first Direct elections to the European Parliament, which returned Ian Paisley, John Hume and John Taylor as Northern Ireland’s first three elected MEPs to Strasbourg and Brussels. Ten days later, the British Embassy in Dublin was attacked, and between the signing in January 1972 and accession the following year, more than 450 people died in terrorist related violence in Northern Ireland. Since 1995, the Ireland rugby union team has used a specially commissioned song, "Ireland's Call" as the team's anthem. "Jack Holland: Hope against History: The Course of Conflict in Northern Ireland. The European Commission have their UK office in London, but they do have an office in Belfast. Northern Ireland was a constituency of the European Parliament from 1979 until the UK exit from the European Union on 31 January 2020. [20], The creation of Northern Ireland was accompanied by violence both in defence of and against partition. The BBC has a division called BBC Northern Ireland with headquarters in Belfast and operates BBC One Northern Ireland and BBC Two Northern Ireland. Owing to the outbreak of civil war in the Free State, the work of the commission was delayed until 1925. The "Ballast" investigation by the Police Ombudsman has confirmed that British forces, and in particular the RUC, did collude with loyalist paramilitaries, were involved in murder, and did obstruct the course of justice when such claims had been investigated,[51] although the extent to which such collusion occurred is still disputed. In 1997, Northern Ireland was twice as dependent on agriculture as the rest of the UK -4.5% against 2% in terms of contribution to GDP –while its agriculture is generally based on small farms. Henry Holt & Company, 1999, p. 221; "Anglo-Irish Relations, 1939–41: A Study in Multilateral Diplomacy and Military Restraint" in. Protestants have a slight majority in Northern Ireland, according to the latest Northern Ireland Census. Overall, the Catholic population is somewhat more ethnically diverse than the more homogeneous Protestant population. The intention was to disadvantage Catholics and, to a lesser extent, Presbyterians. It is divided by sea from landmass of the state of which it is part, and by a currency difference from the other EU member state by which it shares the island of Ireland”. [122], In the 2011 census in Northern Ireland respondents gave their national identity as follows.[123]. [45] The British did not inform the Government of Northern Ireland that they had made the offer to the Dublin government, and de Valera's rejection was not publicised until 1970. However, there are important differences in law and procedure between Northern Ireland and England and Wales. The vote went heavily in favour (98.9%) of maintaining the status quo. Brexit doesn't change the reality that Britain is a European country, with a European destiny! [75] Publications of HM Treasury[76] and the Department of Finance and Personnel of the Northern Ireland Executive,[77] on the other hand, describe Northern Ireland as being a "region of the UK". Key tourism attractions include the historic cities of Derry, Belfast and Armagh and the many castles in Northern Ireland. On 12 February 2015, under a new mandate, 24 UK elected representatives took up their role as members of the Committee of the Regions (CoR). Northern Ireland was a Yes, but a stronger No vote: The turnout in NI was lower at only 48.2%, though polling fatigue could be a factor, as well as the fact that Europe was not a key issue in 1970s Northern Ireland. The position in UK nationality law is that most of those born in Northern Ireland are UK nationals, whether or not they so choose. [148] However, the number speaking it as their main language in their home is negligible,[142] with only 0.9% of 2011 census respondents claiming to be able to speak, read, write and understand Ulster-Scots. [11][12][13], Owing in part to the way in which the United Kingdom, and Northern Ireland, came into being, there is no legally defined term to describe what Northern Ireland 'is'. A new programme (PEACE IV) was launched on 14 January 2016, with a strong emphasis on creating opportunities for young people. While still on the backburner for most people in Northern Ireland, the EU was affecting the farming and fishing sectors in particular. Almost 2,000 murals have been documented in Northern Ireland since the 1970s. The programme was subsequently extended until 2006. Strangford Lough is the largest inlet in the British Isles, covering 150 km2 (58 sq mi). With regard to Northern Ireland's status, it said that the UK Government's "clearly-stated preference is to retain Northern Ireland’s current constitutional position: as part of the UK, but with strong links to Ireland". [85], "Region" is used by several UK government agencies and the European Union. Unlike most areas of the United Kingdom, in the last year of primary school, many children sit entrance examinations for grammar schools. Renunciation of British citizenship requires the payment of a fee, currently £372. The highest-ranked Northern Ireland professional on the world circuit presently is Mark Allen from Antrim. Both the national flag and the national anthem of present-day Ireland drive origins directly from the Rising. In 2009 an “Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” (AFSJ) was established under the Lisbon Treaty, designed to secure free movement and combat illegal activities. Some 250,000 Ulster Presbyterians emigrated to the British North American colonies between 1717 and 1775. [120] In another survey, from 1999, 1% of respondents said they spoke it as their main language at home.[142]. However, the Northern issue never featured in any discussions at EEC level in negotiations. The EIB is the European Union’s bank. The USC was almost wholly Protestant and some of its members carried out reprisal attacks on Catholics. The British government's position is that its forces were neutral in the conflict, trying to uphold law and order in Northern Ireland and the right of the people of Northern Ireland to democratic self-determination. (Dennis Kennedy: Living with the European Union, the Northern Ireland Experience, Macmillan Press 2000). Indeed, the anti-European element of the Conservative Party, nervous at losing support to the UK Independence Party, resulted in the decision by the Conservative Government under David Cameron to call for an in/out referendum in June 2016. It is responsible to two Sponsor Departments, the Department of Finance in Northern Ireland and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform in Ireland along with the European Commission and the North South Ministerial Council. Also in north Antrim are the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Mussenden Temple and the Glens of Antrim. The wrestling promotion features championships, former WWE superstars and local independent wrestlers. The population of Northern Ireland has risen yearly since 1978. The role of the Special EU Programmes Body is to help facilitate the positive impact that European Regional Development Funding will have on the lives of people living across Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and Western Scotland. The ITV franchise in Northern Ireland is UTV. So Britain was definitely in, but was it definitely in? The Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation was another important funding programme. Since the digital TV switchover, RTÉ One, RTÉ2 and the Irish-language channel TG4, are now available over the air on the UK's Freeview system from transmitters within Northern Ireland. Call or send a webform to the Europe Direct Contact Centre “Brexit helpline” → https://t.co/5Ft3c7UaNM Cultural links between Northern Ireland, the rest of Ireland, and the rest of the UK are complex, with Northern Ireland sharing both the culture of Ireland and the culture of the United Kingdom. [21] More than 500 were killed[22] and more than 10,000 became refugees, mostly Catholics. The Government’s position is to seek a strong and close future relationship with the EU, with a focus on operational and practical cross-border cooperation. [16][17][18][19] Today, the former generally see themselves as British and the latter generally see themselves as Irish, while a Northern Irish or Ulster identity is claimed by a large minority from all backgrounds. Meanwhile, the Fourth Home Rule Bill passed through the British parliament in 1920 and received royal assent that December, becoming the Government of Ireland Act 1920. "What the UK-EU deal means for N.Ireland" The physical border itself was a symbol of division and conflict.”. Jim Nicholson – Visit the Ulster Unionist Party website(external link opens in a new window / tab) Put simply, the EU commission sees Northern Ireland as part of the EU for VAT purposes. Lough Neagh Eels, Comber Early Potatoes and Armagh Bramley apples are three Northern Ireland products to have achieved EU protected name status. The Office also has a dedicated Information Point, open to the public, with a comprehensive range of EU publications available free of charge. The Office of the European Commission in Northern Ireland was set up in 1980. It won the European Cup in 1999. Their role is to represent the European Commission in Northern Ireland and to provide information about the European Union, its programmes and policies. The AFSJ relates to: management of the EU’s external borders, immigration and asylum policy; judicial co-operation in criminal and civil matters; and police co-operation in tackling serious and organised crime. [24] In the late 1960s, a campaign to end discrimination against Catholics and nationalists was opposed by loyalists, who saw it as a republican front. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom (aka Great Britain). The largest course and the only MSA-licensed track for UK-wide competition is Kirkistown.[178]. However, many players from Northern Ireland compete with clubs in England and Scotland. The UK's submission to the 2007 United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names defines the UK as being made up of two countries (England and Scotland), one principality (Wales) and one province (Northern Ireland). Northern Ireland Protocol Backlash. [117] Hotels and other accommodations, for example, "closed apart from only for work-related stays". In international competitions, the Ireland national rugby union team's recent successes include four Triple Crowns between 2004 and 2009 and a Grand Slam in 2009 in the Six Nations Championship. Gaelic games include Gaelic football, hurling (and camogie), handball and rounders. He was drafted 1st overall in the 1990 NHL Draft by the Quebec Nordiques. Many voters (regardless of religious affiliation) are attracted to unionism's conservative policies, while other voters are instead attracted to the traditionally leftist Sinn Féin and SDLP and their respective party platforms for democratic socialism and social democracy. "The troubles were over, but the killing continued. He did, and won, prompting Ian Paisley to dub him the ‘Wolverhampton wanderer’. Republicans regarded the state forces as combatants in the conflict, pointing to the collusion between the state forces and the loyalist paramilitaries as proof of this. It also underlines how the continuation of data sharing is essential for coordination in the future, as well as establishing the UK and the EU’s right to retain the data it has already collected, The UK Government has emphasised co-operation in the fight against crime and terrorism is one of the 12 principles which will guide the Article 50 exit negotiations. However, communal violence continued in Belfast, and in 1922 the IRA launched a guerrilla offensive in border areas of Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland Office represents the UK government in Northern Ireland on reserved matters and represents Northern Ireland's interests within the UK Government. The Lisbon Treaty included an option for the UK to opt out of all (approximately 130) measures adopted before it entered into force. Following the resignation of President de Gaulle in 1969, and the election of the British Conservative Party under Edward Heath in Britain in June 1970, Great Britain submitted another – the third- application to join the European Economic Community (EEC). The official withdrawal took place on January 31, 2020, and changes are likely to roll out over time. [81] Authors writing specifically about Northern Ireland dismiss the idea that Northern Ireland is a "country" in general terms,[11][13][82][83] and draw contrasts in this respect with England, Scotland and Wales. The Northern Ireland Assembly (colloquially referred to as Stormont after its location), established by the Northern Ireland Act 1998, holds responsibility for a range of devolved policy matters, while other areas are reserved for the British government. The Irish restriction was given effect by the twenty-seventh amendment to the Irish Constitution in 2004. Their lands were confiscated by the Crown and colonized with English-speaking Protestant settlers from Britain, in the Plantation of Ulster. These institutions were suspended by the British Government in 2002 after Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) allegations of spying by people working for Sinn Féin at the Assembly (Stormontgate). One of Ireland's regular international venues is Stormont in Belfast. 180 Chaussée d’Etterbeek “In the prolonged accession negotiations in 1970 and 1971 no one-the Irish, the British, nor anyone in the Community-made any reference whatsoever to the events in Northern Ireland.”. NI entities trading goods with EU entities will still … [66], Official voting figures, which reflect views on the "national question" along with issues of candidate, geography, personal loyalty and historic voting patterns, show 54% of Northern Ireland voters vote for unionist parties, 42% vote for nationalist parties and 4% vote "other". At 23:00 UK time this evening, UK passport holders will lose the automatic right to live, work and study visa-free, in the following 30 countries: [28], The economy of Northern Ireland was the most industrialised in Ireland at the time of partition, but declined as a result of the political and social turmoil of the Troubles. The Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland, which forms part of the Withdrawal Agreement agreed between the EU and the UK in 2019, means that no new procedures will apply to goods moving between Northern Ireland and Ireland (and the other Member States of the European Union). The Ireland Act 1949 gave the first legal guarantee that the region would not cease to be part of the United Kingdom without the consent of the Parliament of Northern Ireland. 5)), Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, smuggled thousands of rifles and rounds of ammunition, election to the Northern Ireland Parliament, Coat of Arms of the Government of Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, collusion between the state forces and the loyalist paramilitaries, Independent International Commission on Decommissioning, First Minister and deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs), British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference, United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, Belfast Great Victoria Street railway station, complex identities within Northern Ireland, twenty-seventh amendment to the Irish Constitution, Administration of Justice (Language) Act (Ireland) 1737, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, Northern Ireland Billiards and Snooker Association, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, "Population estimates – Office for National Statistics", "Census 2011 Key Statistics for Northern Ireland", https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/grossdomesticproductgdp/bulletins/regionaleconomicactivitybygrossdomesticproductuk/1998to2018/pdf, "Sub-national HDI - Area Database - Global Data Lab", "The Flags Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000", "Strategy Framework Document: Reunification through Planned Integration: Sinn Féin's All Ireland Agenda", "Policy Summaries: Constitutional Issues", "Which of these best describes the way you think of yourself? Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee – An Investment Plan for Europe. To support Northern Ireland’s engagement with the EU. Northern Ireland has traditionally had an industrial economy, most notably in shipbuilding, rope manufacture and textiles, but most heavy industry has since been replaced by services, primarily the public sector. [61], While some unionists argue that discrimination was not just due to religious or political bigotry, but also the result of more complex socio-economic, socio-political and geographical factors,[62] its existence, and the manner in which nationalist anger at it was handled, were a major contributing factor to the Troubles. In 1914, the Third Home Rule Bill received Royal Assent as the Government of Ireland Act 1914. The Union Jack and the former Northern Ireland flag are flown in many loyalist areas, and the Tricolour, adopted by republicans as the flag of Ireland in 1916,[156] is flown in some republican areas. EPCU helps Northern Ireland fulfil its EU responsibilities and develop a positive approach to participation in the European Union. The population in 2011 was 1.8 million, having grown 7.5% over the previous decade[120] from just under 1.7 million in 2001. Fax: 028 9024 8241. Northern Ireland has produced two world snooker champions; Alex Higgins, who won the title in 1972 and 1982, and Dennis Taylor, who won in 1985. 8.1% professed to have "some ability" however.[120]. We may not share your definition of sovereignty, but we part as friends & allies. [3]  Command Paper 5925 carried the actual question that the people of the UK would have to vote on: The Government have announced the results of the renegotiation of the UK’s terms of membership of the European Community. Read more about Measure 4.1. In the context of institutional discrimination, the 18th century saw secret, militant societies develop in Ulster and act on sectarian tensions in violent attacks. Discrimination against nationalists under the Stormont government (1921–1972) gave rise to the civil rights movement in the 1960s. The Republic of Ireland already had the debate and the referendum out of the way before joining the EEC. Meeting in Brussels, local and regional representatives pledged to bring Europe closer to its citizens. The Liberal government was dependent on Nationalist support, and the Parliament Act 1911 prevented the House of Lords from blocking the bill. Variable:BRITISH. https://t.co/vvmPZp5z8i, We are nearing the end of the transition period. The current wording provides that people born in Northern Ireland are entitled to be Irish citizens on the same basis as people from any other part of the island. “Northern Ireland is not unique among the regions of the European Union, but it does have certain distinctions. Monitoring the transposition of European directives. The key areas in which the UK participates are as follows: These areas involve cooperation between Member States, and in light of the UK’s intention to sustain a mutually beneficial model of cooperation, alternative arrangements would be required to be put in place of existing measures. In response, the Northern Ireland Assembly has sent trade missions abroad. [179], Geraldine Heaney, an Olympic gold medalist and one of the first women inducted into the IIHF Hall of Fame, competed internationally for Canada but was born in Northern Ireland. This red saltire on a white field was used to represent Ireland in the flag of the United Kingdom. The 2008 survey found that 61% of Catholics described themselves as Irish, with 25% identifying as Northern Irish, 8% as British and 1% as Ulster. Further information on the committee’s work and members may be found on the European Economic and Social Committee website(external link opens in a new window / tab). [21] More than 500 were killed[22] and more than 10,000 became refugees, most of them Catholics. Reserved matters comprise listed policy areas (such as civil aviation, units of measurement, and human genetics) that Parliament may devolve to the Assembly some time in the future. [162][163] The national football team also uses the Ulster Banner as its flag but uses "God Save The Queen" as its anthem. Under the Good Friday Agreement, Irish and Ulster Scots (an Ulster dialect of the Scots language, sometimes known as Ullans), are recognised as "part of the cultural wealth of Northern Ireland". [161], The United Kingdom national anthem of "God Save the Queen" is often played at state events in Northern Ireland. Integrated schools, which attempt to ensure a balance in enrolment between pupils of Protestant, Roman Catholic and other faiths (or none), are becoming increasingly popular, although Northern Ireland still has a primarily de facto religiously segregated education system. The UK Government has emphasised co-operation in the fight against crime and terrorism is one of the 12 principles which will guide the Article 50 exit negotiations. Following Irish defeat at the Battle of Kinsale, many of these lords fled to mainland Europe in 1607. Events and IPPV's throughout Northern Ireland.[182]. The Cabinet finally agreed that a referendum should take place and in March, the date was set for 5 June of that year. [181], In 2007, after the closure of UCW (Ulster Championship Wrestling) which was a wrestling promotion, PWU formed, standing for Pro Wrestling Ulster. While the majority of disenfranchised electors were Protestant, Catholics were over-represented since they were poorer and had more adults still living in the family home.[49]. The Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM) was one of a number of Implementing Bodies delivering Peace II funds to promote reconciliation and help to build a more peaceful and stable society in Northern Ireland. 356 species of marine algae have been recorded in the north-east of Ireland. European Policy and Co-ordination Unit (EPCU) Perhaps Northern Ireland's most notable successes in professional sport have come in golf. Northern Ireland shares both the culture of Ireland and the culture of the United Kingdom. The Government has indicated that it does not intend to continue to accept the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice. [134], Neither government, however, extends its citizenship to all persons born in Northern Ireland. Reluctant Europeans, Pearson (2000), p180. The Lower and Upper River Bann, River Foyle and River Blackwater form extensive fertile lowlands, with excellent arable land also found in North and East Down, although much of the hill country is marginal and suitable largely for animal husbandry. Many people inside and outside Northern Ireland use other names for Northern Ireland, depending on their point of view. The Belfast Giants have competed in the Elite Ice Hockey League since the 2000–01 season and are the sole Northern Irish team in the league. the Union Flag. Some words and phrases are shared with Scots Gaelic, and the dialects of east Ulster – those of Rathlin Island and the Glens of Antrim – were very similar to the dialect of Argyll, the part of Scotland nearest to Ireland. Nationalists are overwhelmingly Catholic and descend from the population predating the settlement, with a minority from the Scottish Highlands as well as some converts from Protestantism. Parades are a prominent feature of Northern Ireland society,[152] more so than in the rest of Ireland or in Britain. RTÉ, the national broadcaster of the Republic of Ireland, is available over the air to most parts of Northern Ireland via reception overspill[185] and via satellite and cable. [167] The most notable exception is association football, which has separate governing bodies for each jurisdiction.[167]. In response, unionists threatened to use violence to oppose Irish Home Rule, from Conservative and Unionist Party leaders such as Bonar Law and Dublin-based barrister Sir Edward Carson to militant working class unionists in Ireland. Northern Ireland comprises a patchwork of communities whose national loyalties are represented in some areas by flags flown from flagpoles or lamp posts. [42] The text of the address was: .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, Most Gracious Sovereign, We, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Senators and Commons of Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled, having learnt of the passing of the Irish Free State Constitution Act 1922, being the Act of Parliament for the ratification of the Articles of Agreement for a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland, do, by this humble Address, pray your Majesty that the powers of the Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State shall no longer extend to Northern Ireland.[43][44]. The EU has emphatically highlighted the need to address cross-border issues between Ireland and Northern Ireland: “The invisible border on the island of Ireland is one of the major achievements and societal benefits of the Peace Process. In the primary school sector, 40 schools (8.9% of the total number) are integrated schools and 32 (7.2% of the total number) are Irish language-medium schools. [78], Unlike England, Scotland and Wales, Northern Ireland has no history of being an independent country or of being a nation in its own right. Set up in 1994 under the Treaty on the European Union, the Committee of the Regions is an advisory political assembly representing local and regional authorities in the European Union. In many sports, the island of Ireland fields a single team, with the Northern Ireland national football team being an exception to this. Efforts by members of the Northern Ireland Assembly to legislate for some official uses of the language have failed to achieve the required cross-community support, and the UK government has declined to legislate. During 1920–22, the capital Belfast saw major communal violence, mainly between Protestant unionist and Catholic nationalist civilians. The Committee aims to bring Europe closer to its citizens and to make the European Union’s decision-making process more transparent. The tourism and hospitality industry was particularly hard hit. [65] This discrepancy can be explained by the overwhelming preference among Protestants to remain a part of the UK (93%), while Catholic preferences are spread across a number of solutions to the constitutional question including remaining a part of the UK (47%), a united Ireland (32%), Northern Ireland becoming an independent state (4%), and those who "don't know" (16%). [184] All Northern Ireland viewers must obtain a UK TV licence to watch live television transmissions. [52], The Troubles were brought to an uneasy end by a peace process which included the declaration of ceasefires by most paramilitary organisations and the complete decommissioning of their weapons, the reform of the police, and the corresponding withdrawal of army troops from the streets and from sensitive border areas such as South Armagh and Fermanagh, as agreed by the signatories to the Belfast Agreement (commonly known as the "Good Friday Agreement"). Get your tickets now️, Dear Britain, in your absence, we will look after the single market you did so much to build! Northern Ireland has remained a part of the EU's single market for goods so products arriving from GB undergo EU import procedures. The original system of car registration numbers largely based on counties still remains in use. As well as the standard UK-wide radio stations from the BBC, Northern Ireland is home to many local radio stations, such as Cool FM, CityBeat, and Q102.9. Following the recommendations from a special Commission Task Force, the PEACE I programme (1995-99) was approved on 28 July 1995. Statistical reporting & returns for trading with EU. The Head of Office is Colette FitzGerald. [40], The Anglo-Irish Treaty was signed between representatives of the British Government and the Irish Republic on 6 December 1921. The whole of Ireland has a mainline railway network with a gauge of 5 ft 3 in (1,600 mm), which is unique in Europe and has resulted in distinct rolling stock designs. [122], At the 2011 census, 41.5% of the population identified as Protestant/non-Roman Catholic Christian, 41% as Roman Catholic, and 0.8% as non-Christian, while 17% identified with no religion or did not state one. Office of the Northern Ireland Executive in Brussels The Agreement was given domestic effect, North and South, by means of the North/South Co-operation (Implementation Bodies) (Northern Ireland) Order 1999 and the British-Irish Agreement Act 1999 respectively. [124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131] This does not, however, account for the complex identities within Northern Ireland, given that many of the population regard themselves as "Ulster" or "Northern Irish", either as a primary or secondary identity. Irish Sign Language (ISL) has some influence from the French family of sign language, which includes American Sign Language (ASL). A few months after the Ulster Special Constabulary is northern ireland part of the eu USC ) was on. [ 94 ] a prominent feature of Northern Ireland ’ s “ Investment. Elsewhere ; triple the amount there were over, but we part as friends & allies they a! Population and people of mixed ethnicity made up 0.2 % of the ICC Cup. 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[ 178.! Us or consider helping us promote the movement by donating to us was to be citizens of or! Major growth area since the 1970s 13.7 % of Catholics identified as `` all other governmental matters, the Council... Four, football is the Downpatrick and county Down Railway, which must consist of both and..., Graeme Walton and Gareth Roberts among others signposting role to promote involvement in 1960s! Something else the sport is popular and important in the EU [ 178 ] professed have!