Where'd you get it? Our ancient enemy is no more. I am Onin's interpreter. We can race and we can beat Krew at his own game. Jak: Kill metal heads, get toys. Daxter: Last lap! Guard 2: They say he can change into some kind of monster! Vin: Oh, friendlies? Oracle: You do well to rid the world of this metal scourge. Everything's going exactly as planned. (After picking up an Underground member during "Shuttle Underground fighters" or the related side mission.). We hadn't noticed! Jak: Stick with me kid, and you'll be safe. If any of you should by some small chance beat our grand champion Erol, then you will be awarded a month's supply of eco! (Daxter jumps on Jak's shoulder and Krew got an eyefull of him too.) Kor: I hope we have enough eco to keep the Metal Heads at bay. Jak: Great! Krew attempted to pawn Jak off by giving him another gun upgrade and told him to leave and forget what he saw, but Jak denied and a battle ensued. Krew is an uncommonly large human with acute obesity. Hey buddy, you seen any heroes around here? Well, our good Baron's wonderful charm must have angered someone, because there's word from the wasteland that Metal Head armies are on the move again! Daxter: ...feeling so dry! Keira (communicator): You can also do tricks for fun. He is a minor character in the MYCUN franchise. I owe you one. What's the world come to when you can't buy off a few guards with bribes?! Grim: Check your targets, wimp boy. (Sometimes when you knock down a pillar with the Titan Suit.) Daxter: Finally, now we get to see the Shadow. Take out the transports, and bring the three lurkers to Brutter's trinket stand in the Bazaar. Daxter : [slurring] Hey there, five chins. His in-game rival is Jin Kazama. I promise. Computer voice: Welcome to the city transportation system. And so, Jak and Daxter, Ashelin, Torn, Keira, and Sig are pitted against each other in combat racing for the ultimate prize: their life. Grim: Sure, why don't you kill me too. Jak: Listen Ashelin, your father's planning something terrible, and if–... Ashelin Praxis: My father can destroy the Metal Head armies once and for all! Baron Praxis: And find that child! I've been crawling around in this place, risking my tail—literally—to save you! Pay no attention to the groundless rumors about low eco supplies. The Baron stole the Precursor Stone right out from under us. Obviously. He's gone to face the tests! These lives are mine! I'm still not sure why combat metal heads are scouting this close to the city. for fans of Jak and Daxter 43594943 Krew: I should have had you both kneecapped, eh! Torn: I'd like to see you prove your driving skills. Shadow: What are you talking about, old growth? Huh, I'll put all violators into the Guard and teach them some discipline. They have ointment for that you know. It's you! Brutter: Look! You must work harder, not smarter! Is that understood? It's strange, the Time Map had a bunch of old coordinates in it. Next time, you turn the valve. I bagged that bad boy myself, baby. Sig: Quick, drop the bridge! We know it's vulnerable, and the Underground needs you to blow up all the ammo you find inside. Torn: Really? The Tomb of Mar was right under our noses all along. (Upon entering the Titan Suit.) (When the Baron approaches his recharging station.) Krew: I love weapons. We used to know the guy that lived there. (Upon approaching the third crane platform.) Jak: I saw. Hah, Onin got you, pop only symbols that you see! I mean, that's useful. To be honest, I wasn't sure you could handle this gig. I think we need to go back to the city, Jak. Side by side! Daxter: Whew! This tomb wasn't so tough! Look, I don't mean to be rude, you did get here fast, but I'm not interested in any new drivers right now, and I've got work to do. But I wouldn't mind taking out a few cruisers if that's what you're getting at. (Upon reaching the second block puzzle.) As your Baron I assure you, the city has an endless supply of eco stores. It was easier than I thought to beat you. Note these are the same as when Jak approaches idling guards from behind in some missions; see § On standby. You go girl, shake with what your mama gave you! Vin: We've detected a cluster of metal head eggs growing up at the strip mine site. Computer voice: Missile systems at critical overload. Help me take out all the metal heads! (After beating the silver record in a minigame.) Now I will gain the power I need to crush my enemies! You help lurkers once time, you help us twos? Onin wants you to recover three artifacts from the Precursor Mountain Temple. Torn: The Baron's coming down pretty hard. Daxter: Grind on the support bases to break the cables. With the Shield Wall destroyed, it's just a matter of time before the Metal Heads overwhelm us. Daxter: You hear that, Jak? Jinx: Krew said you'll protect us all the way to the statue. They will not be allowed to threaten me, or this city's order. You figure this out, I'll cover your butt. I'd love to see the heads roll when the Baron finds out! This horrible place is our world! Okay, let's move. Oh, that explains your charming sense of humor. Dirty fighting! All laws are enforced for your safety. Poor fool died before he could use it, ah well. Kor: There is an underground group waging war against Baron Praxis. Krew: mmmm and of course, I'd be forced to collect... ah slowly. How's it feel floating on top of the food chain? Sig: There's the second scum bag, sitting pretty. Come on back to the hideout, I have another task for you. She's just–... Ashelin Praxis: Thanks for helping out with that tanker, Jak. I'm, uh, working on a secret, uh, uh, vehicle project. Hey, big guy! On-screen: (While not returning to the city after completing "Retrieve banner from Dead Town", "Find pumping station valve" and "Protect site in Dead Town". (Upon destroying all the hoseheads, Jinx will repeat either of the following lines.). Torn: We're evaluating the use of homing beacons in missions. Sig: I think that's the last we'll see of him. You are definitely, mm, living large! Even now, the Metal Head leader realizes you can destroy him, and save the last chance for our race. (After grinding on the rail.) It'll take you outside the city to the pumping station. Sig: Did you hear something? Fortunately, these breaches have not resulted in contamination. Jinx: You mean cover your ass! (Note that the five preceding cutscenes are interspersed during this mission.). However, Krew is not completely callous, as he has been shown to care for his daughter, leaving her a secret message on how to avoid being poisoned unlike the rest, and expressed how he wished he was alive to give her a hug and how proud he was of her for following in his footsteps.[3]. (Upon engaging the next group of enemies.) Get to a money bag too late, and some townie might pick it up. And of course, weapons more lethal than your ever so tighty-whities on a hot summer day? Move! Precursor: It is finished. Vin: Ah yeah, sorry about that guys. 'Cause there's no way I'm going outside the city to face more metal heads! Don't get cocky. (Upon approaching the Palace entrance or weapons factory entrance with the corresponding security clearance.) (After entering the flooded, waste-filled room.) He's new to the whole conversation thing. I summon my highly trained killer instincts, and pounce! Just don't tell the Baron I ever saw you! On-screen: Scatter Gun Acquired. Turn yourself in. He might even ask to see you. Jak and Daxter do, however, learn more about his infatuation with Ashelin Praxis and his time served at the Krimzon Guard. Jak: Well, here goes. Torn: That's none of your business! Daxter: Smashing work Jak. Daxter: Hey! (While failing to destroy the hoseheads.) I told you to keep back, but no one ever listens to Jinx. (When approaching a body of water.) Samos Hagai: You saved the city and more, my boy! A hairy chest? Daxter: It's okay, kid. The Metal Heads are getting bolder every day. Give often, give freely, or it will be taken from you! Otherwise, the city would put the true ruler on the throne, wherever that little brat is. When Jak fought his way through the weapons factory to destroy the piercer bomb being constructed there, Jak met Krew at the top of the facility—the Baron contracted Krew to construct the weapon. Oracle: The Metal Heads have always feared you, angry one. (slurring) You know what's the trouble with you, Krew? That's not... Daxter: But what? Follow me, stick close, and watch my six. Daxter: Ooh, I love surprises. (While failing to break a door.) Guard 1: Next time can I kill a civvie? Is your lurker in a tree? Now that you've been altered with dark eco, the Stone will never open for you. Sig: This is your gig baby. I knew Metal heads would be the end of me... oh no! Sorry to say, but I put poison in that special vintage, quite unsporting of me really. Jinx: You got an itchy trigger finger. Tess: Hey guys. Sig: You know, my mama used to read bedtime stories about Mar when she'd tuck me in. O–or that? Fast is good! Daxter: You got the fifth well, only one to go! Daxter: And before those late night snack runs kept you from fitting out the front door. Ashelin Praxis: Who the hell are you two? Baron Praxis: Ah, a brave man of the people. Daxter: Whew! And I commend you for making it this far. Torn: My friend in the Guard tells me the valve to turn the water back on is located outside the city, at the pumping station. Pecker: Who? Ashelin Praxis: Come on, we'll be late for the party at Daxter's new place. Sig: Get behind me while I toast that tank. Whose side are you on?! Daxter: Everything's cool. Jak: I need Krew's connections to fight the Baron! Sig: Here we go. Stuck in a sewer grate? (Upon completing the mission.) Guard 1: We haven't had a food riot since we brought in them tanks! What'd I say? Here they come! I will find you here. (Upon failing a mission without a "Try Again" option.) He's willing to sacrifice innocent lives just to destroy the Underground. Find it, and it's yours. Only then will the Light Tower rise and reveal the tomb. Sig: So you want to be wastelanders, huh doughboys? (While still failing to destroy the hoseheads.) Samos Hagai: We need to find the kid, pronto! Call the friendly officers of the K.A.C., and they will deal with your furry slave with all the love and care it deserves. Here comes that bad boy again! The kid already opened the tomb. A surprise dessert, eh? Krew: Jak, I want you to throw the championship race. Daxter: Do something, Jak! Sig: Man, was I set up! Vin: Great! Computer voice: Attention all drivers: the Class One Championship Race is about to begin. Work for me and I'll throw you some of the sweeter items your way, hmm? On-screen: Press to smash things with the Titan Suit, (Upon approaching the first movable block, additionally the first throwable block as well.) See you soon, Jak! Jinx: Way to go, this is where I come in. Uh, Keira, uh, this is Ashelin. Daxter: Oh, okay, I'm going in! The faster you shoot each target, the more points you'll get. Keira: Okay. Tonight, we get to celebrate with our new friends. Daxter: That's the fourth well, two bad boys left! That was the last one. Hot! Just don't come crying to me when the walls fall down. Baron Praxis: Fool! Guard 1: Ah, you poor bastard. Sig: That's one fried metal head. We must replace Praxis before it's too late. I didn't authorize a strike on the–... Jak: Hey, we kicked the Baron's ass. Just let Erol win. You should've walked away when you had the chance. I command you to have no fear. Sabotage! You can do it. Torn: Metal heads broke through the old city wall. It's gonna be fun! I want the Baron to know that it's me who's hurting him. I'll help you out if you stop bothering me. What'd they do to you? Vin (communicator): Thank goodness you blew up those wells. Those metal heads have been attacking our mining operations and we're running out of eco! (While failing to break the electrified tubes.) (Some time after the previous cutscene ends.) Jinx: Watch it pretty boy, or I'll rearrange your face. Computer voice: You need purple clearance for this gate. Wait a minute... Are ottsels color blind?! They're a dangerous menace and I need you to locate and destroy each one before they hurt our interests. Daxter: (shushes) Right now we gotta get you out of here. Did you get a little nip and tuck while we were gone? It's not good for business. There's plenty more where that came from. Go to the forest and take 'em all out. Tell Ashelin to up her patrols. (Upon destroying a sentry gun for the second time.) On-screen: Roll and then press for a long jump. Well whatcha got that's uh, hot and– Wait, I've seen you before. Like candy from a baby! ), (After passing another racer during the Class 2 race. And to help you in your spiritual motivation, quotas are doubled next month! Great yakow horns! Jinx: Jump the beams Jak! Voice Actors Characters TV Shows Movies Video Games Shorts Attractions Commercials • Team Ups • Voice Compare • Voice Directors • Franchises • News • Top Listings • Coming Soon • VA Quotes • Casting Call • Forums. Krew: Well, I need someone to go down and shoot every sentry gun in the sewers. Good work boys! (Upon approaching the next couple of metal heads.) ), (Upon attempting to walk through a sector gate without a corresponding security pass.). Erol: I want more than just to win, eco freak! He wears a light green tank shirt, and mentions the utilization of "silk suits".[2]. Kick the first target, then shoot while kicking to automatically hit the second target. Guard 2: Payback's a bitch! Think, what will the Baron's next move be? Daxter: We should come back with the Titan Suit to do this path. That's my top level security pass. Pecker: Ready, go! (Upon entering Haven Forest.) Anyway, to get that elevator moving, you gotta find and turn on all the old B-Zone power boxes located in the city. One on one, through the city, using accelerator rings. Keira: I sure hope I built this replica right. Sorry dear. Jinx: There you are, why don't you make yourself useful. Sig needs someone to watch his back while he tracks the metal heads, eh? Jinx: Okay, let's get out of here before more come back. Hot! I guess you're looking for that weapon upgrade, hmm. Tess: Sig? Jak? Our top driver wants to face you on ring course two. Next time we race for keeps, and your head will be my trophy! Break that crate! Keira: Great, I'll send you a medal. I am without words, and that is rare. Daxter: Hit him in the stomach. (Upon encountering metal heads for the first time.) Continue to fight for the freedom I may some day give you. But you're special, Jak. You can hover in one of two zones: low and high. Shadow: Jak, protect me from these guards! Keira: No! (After killing the fourth target.) (Upon approaching the stack of boxes in the first room. Daxter: Please tell me you remember how to roll. Krew (communicator): Jak, this is Krew, I just talked to my racing client, and she told me you were pretty good with that JET-Board of hers. On-screen: Press to throw held items. Nobody panic. Bombs, guns, armor, genetic alteration research, all in the name of preserving this wonderful city of ours. Fire in the hole! I just love saying that last part! Now metal heads find hidden lurker village in caves! No way! That's right! But, if you can destroy the cannons, and switch the boxes on, I can do the rest. (When Praxis removes the Stone.) Get 'em while I fix my gun! Let's go back to the Underground hideout. On-screen: Palace Security Pass Acquired. Guard 1: The reports I've seen aren't good. Jak: Just a little closer. Guard 2: Just rumors private, keep your mouth shut! Ooh, that had to hurt. Frankly, I don't believe it exists, but you might as well go out there and disrupt his operation just in case. Jak: Hey, are you Vin? Pecker: Listen tiny tail, I was leading my hundredth flock south before you had fur one between your legs! (When Sig's Peace Maker jams.) I think the Baron set me up. Sig: Waste the suckers. If you can get from here to the race garage near the stadium in less than three minutes, my client said that she would consider letting you drive for her team. Our last hope rests with one still untouched by pain, and you must protect this young soul in our moment of truth. Besides, you'll tell us before something happens next time, right Samos? Torn: (chuckles) You and the rodent want to start proving yourselves? Into the future, right? What about me? You brought me right to the Stone. Daxter: You know so far, your gigs have been easier than stealing grass from a sleeping yakow. (While continuing yet to stray from Jinx.) Keira: We'll meet near the nest! Daxter: Smack the box, baby. Jak: I think you've got me confused with someone else. We not forget, if ever you need us, we help you! Besides, I haven't gone through any rifts; I hate teleporting! Jak: Why is that place in the old ruins so important to you? Daxter: Gotta jump higher. Guard: By order of his eminence, the Grand Protector of Haven City, Baron Praxis, everyone in this section is hereby under arrest for suspicion of harboring Underground fugitives. Keira (communicator): You can get on and off the JET-Board at anytime. Find the warp gate at the power station, and use it to travel to the strip mine, so you can rescue Vin's pathetic hide. Sig: Hello, cherries. (Some time after finishing the previous mission and exiting the saloon.) I say shoot 'em all and sort 'em out later. Krew: Watch it! Daxter: The Demolition Duo has returned! I just built this! Daxter: Yeah! Daxter: (sniffs) Something's cooking. And there'd be a swimming pool filled to the brim with chocolate, slightly minty. By order of Baron Praxis, everyone here is to be terminated! Pecker: Something about rubber tubing and certain parts of your mother! Wolverine Claws: Dark Jak can gain these, which increases his melee damage. Jak and Daxter Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. (Once or while you remain with the group in the corridor.). Sig: Drop that liftcat while I hold them off. Metal Kor: The last Precursor egg. I'll go ahead and check it out. Daxter: Ten seconds left, Jak! Daxter: You Krew? Daxter: (spits) Yuck! You see! Guard: Unit zulu, moving in! You new here? The statue and five of my best men were swept away. He's new to the whole conversation thing. Daxter: This kid? Now we're rockin'! Cool! I can hear the roar of the crowd now, as everyone sees their hope die! Kor: What you just did was very brave. Take over! (Upon reaching thirty seconds.) Sig (communicator): Easy, huh? (hmphs) I could route the B-Zone conduit lines through the bypass grid, shunting past the eco rings to connect the inductor tubes in series, then back through the outer wall indicator helix and across the resonant flux routes into the number five capacitor array. It's the law. Jinx: We're staying put till you take out those metal heads. Vin (communicator): Jak... Kor... Construction site... Kor: I'm sure you know... deep down in your darkest nightmares. Nothing. He alone can awaken the Stone and the Precursor entity, which sleeps inside. I float like a butterfly and sting like a wumpbee! Ashelin Praxis: Don't you move! Casella and Richard McGonagle ( as dark daxter ) races, including those in the.. Says I need you and never miss a beat that deal last little thing, jak 2 krew quotes send you medal. Be exclusive to those subsections seal of Mar, the delivery was a champion for all time..... 'D know that world 's oldest professional Jak: I want you to keep the drops. 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