You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers. You should follow the instructions on the front cover of the answer booklet. The lamp with the green shade is alight; I have before me two large books of reference, both open, a pile of papers … All the paraphernalia, in fact, of an extremely occupied man. All questions in this paper carry equal marks. And I can listen to thee yet; Can lie upon the plain And listen, till I do beget That golden time again. What velvety softness! Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. © UCLES 2009 9695/31/O/N/09 Or 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 11 Then I really meet her gaze, meet it fully, and I fancy her face quivers. ’ Discuss ways in which Bhatt presents motherhood in her poetry, referring to two or three poems you have studied. ’ ‘From just below; and I am not at all afraid of being out late when it is moonlight. Journey by Patricia Grace. She sits, bent forward, clasping the little bare foot, staring into the glow, and as the fire quickens, falls, flares again, her shadow – an immense Mother and Child – is here and gone again upon the wall … Outside it is raining. Journey- Patricia Grace, the People Before- Maurice Shadbolt (Lack of Clear Outcome 1544 Words | 7 Pages. Journey by Patricia Grace. He is the man that tries tho convice the old Maori to give out his lands, he is a "white", and he seems to be on the head of the modernization. And if I say that Chris did all the chasing I am not boasting or anything. View. I had this strong suspicion nevertheless, which I could neither confirm nor deny because on those occasions my father always took the precaution to lock the door of their room. Journey- Patricia Grace. All questions in this paper carry equal marks. the earth we pace Again appears to be An unsubstantial, faery place; That is fit home for Thee! Marvellous! Can you beat that? I should think you ought to be at home yourself,’ said he, ‘if you have a home in this neighbourhood. 5) Additional essay questions / creative writing tasks and food for thought questions designed to facilitate and/or imitate IGCSE Literature exam style questions. INTRODUC-TION Restate essay question in your own words In the story Motu, by Patricia Grace there are a number of surprising events. answer choices. Telegraph operator, Hall’s Creek which is way out back of the Outback, but he stuck it, quite likely liked it, despite heat, glare, dust and the lack of diversion or doctors. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. George. That was way back in civilian days. I’ve made up my mind: today I’ll write in peacock-greenish-sea-green ink I’ll write poems about everything else. We imagine, some weeks later, a properly laconic convalescent averring Without you, I’d have kicked the bucket … From Chungking to Burrenjuck, morse keys have mostly gone silent and only old men meet now to chit-chat in their electric bygone dialect. Man and horse were down; they had slipped on the sheet of ice which glazed the causeway. But when I walk into the bookstore I can’t help reading the front page and I stare at the photographs of dead men and women I know I’ve seen alive. Each handout includes the following: This knowledge came to me by slow stages which I won’t go into now. 48 Tim Winton, ‘On Her Knees’** Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge. Yallah! Or else they panic and get stampeded by the thought that time is passing them by. Yes, sir. This document consists of 10 printed pages and 2 blank pages. I am conscious of tall houses, their doors and shutters sealed against the night, of dripping balconies and sodden flower-pots. Yes, perhaps that is nearer what I mean. One of his red woollen boots is off, one is on. But they pushed a hill down over it and shot the railway line across to make more room for cars. We know that sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, so we provide you with hundreds of related samples. This detailed, advanced handout and worksheet is designed to help students in their study of the short story “Journey” by Patricia Grace.The short story also appears in the English Literature Syllabus for IGCSE Examinations in 2019, 2020, and 2021.. 4) A range of comprehension, close-reading & analysis questions tailored towards studying the stories in preparation for the IGCSE English Literature exams. My wife, with her little boy on her lap, is in a low chair before the fire. Your questions may be on one set text or on two set texts. London WC1R 4HQ. The bright green streaks made by someone who walks over the dewy grass? Which meant finally that I couldn’t be ambitious. Answer two questions, one from Section A and one from Section B. This was back when nice people said pluck, the sleevelink and green eyeshade epoch. That’s when you hear all kinds of nonsense talk from girls: Better to marry a rascal than grow a moustache in your father’s compound; better an unhappy marriage than an unhappy spinsterhood; better marry Mr Wrong in this world than wait for Mr Right in heaven; all marriage is how-for-do; all men are the same; and a whole baggage of other foolishnesses like that. Tes Global Ltd is Who am I that I should inflict my story on the world? All I’m trying to say really is that as far as I can remember I have always been on my own and never asked to be noticed by anybody. A short biography of the author (Patricia Grace). And I wasn’t being coy either. I did; whereupon began a heaving, stamping, clattering process, accompanied by a barking and baying which removed me effectually some yards distance; but I would not be driven quite away till I saw the event. 2) Historical context and / or introduction to key literary or cultural concepts / movements / phenomena (where relevant). Answer two questions: one question from Section A and one question from Section B. Maori - the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand. 36 Patricia Grace, ‘Journey’ * Critical Commentary / Sample Essay Responses / additional relevant information to help teachers. 7 Stephen Crane, ‘The Open Boat’ That I got involved in the lives of the high and mighty was purely accidental and was not due to any scheming on my part. The Journey by Barrie Hough. Oct 15, 2019 - This detailed, advanced handout and worksheet is designed to help students in their study of the short story "Journey" by Patricia Grace. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. I like to think of that cold drenched window behind the blind, and beyond, the dark bushes in the garden, their broad leaves bright with rain, and beyond the fence, the gleaming road with the two hoarse little gutters singing against each other, and the wavering reflections of the lamps, like fishes’ tails. Conditions. ‘If you are hurt, and want help, sir, I can fetch some one either from Thornfield Hall or from Hay. The coders’ hero had speed, resource and a touch. All is as usual. Well too bad. He had a dark face, with stern features and a heavy brow; his eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful and thwarted just now; he was past youth, but had not reached middle age; perhaps he might be thirty-five. At that she stirs and, still trying not to make it sound important, she says, ‘Oh, but you must have been thinking of something! Some people even say I am suspicious by nature. The old man can remember travelling into the city by steam train. The short story also appears in the English Literature Syllabus for IGCSE Examinations in 2019, 2020, and 2021. In The Journey by Barrie Hough we have the theme of friendship, fear, connection, helplessness, control, equality and perseverance. See more ideas about short stories, hemingway, teaching. This has been a lot of work for me, but seeing as there is nothing like this on the market at present, and knowing how important it is to prepare my students for this tough exam, I have put these worksheets together for everyone. 2 Edgar Allan Poe, ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ I have heard, I hear thee and rejoice: O Cuckoo! He passed, and went on; a few steps, and I turned; a sliding sound and an exclamation of ‘What the deuce is to do now? Based on the story how do you think tribes like the Maori were treated back in 1980? But one could go on with such a catalogue for ever – on and on – until one lifted the single arum lily leaf and discovered the tiny snails clinging, until one counted … and what then? no. So ditditdit daah for Bill Tuckett. Characters. or ‘Female soldier’ which he called me as he lifted me off the ground with his left hand and gave me three stinging smacks on the bottom with his right the day I fell off the cashew tree. In Journey by Patricia Grace we have the theme of change, powerlessness, frustration, responsibility and acceptance. ’ ‘Thank you; I shall do: I have no broken bones – only a sprain’; and again he stood up and tried his foot, but the result extorted an involuntary ‘Ugh! Les Murray 5 10 15 20 25 © UCLES 2009 9695/31/O/N/09 [Turn over 4 WILLIAM WORDSWORTH: Selected Poems 3 Either (a) Wordsworth wrote about ‘spots of time’, key moments in life when ‘our minds/Are nourished and invisibly repaired’. benefit are generally said by people in the initial stages of their spiritual journey. Somehow I disliked it considerably less in its abridged form, Buife. 37 Janet Frame, ‘The Bath’ Discuss the ways in which the poets treat this subject matter in two or three poems. Mar 31, 2019 - Explore myersale's board "Hemingway Short Stories (Worksheets + Teaching Unit)" on Pinterest. by. no. Now instead of completing this poem I’m thinking of Amrit. I didn’t realize until much later that my mother bore me a huge grudge because I was a girl – her fifth in a row though one had died – and that when I was born she had so desperately prayed for a boy to give my father. Write in dark blue or black pen.

To sell his land to the government

. Where do you come from? To buy land from the government. 3) Full text of the short story, accompanied by a glossary of difficult or relevant vocabulary in the story to facilitate close-reading and understanding. Comprehension, Close Reading & Analysis Questions - for the entire short story. -. Targeted answer to the essay question In Motu, the most surprising event is that Motu’s teacher... Save Paper; 2 Page; 447 Words; Spiritual Science. A vocabulary list featuring "Journey" by Patricia Grace. journey refers to the short trip made by the protagonist to the government agency in the town. She thinks of her father, Roger Best, who currently runs an ambulance and mortuary business. Even yet thou art to me No Bird; but an invisible Thing, A voice, a mystery. An elderly man from New Zealand sets out on a "journey" one day to speak with an official about his land. +. I had a theoretical reverence and homage for beauty, elegance, gallantry, fascination; but had I met those qualities incarnate in masculine shape, I should have known instinctively that they neither had nor could have sympathy with anything in me, and should have shunned them as one would fire, lightning, or anything else that is bright but antipathetic. 23 Alex La Guma, ‘The Lemon Orchard’ He is sad and angry, and spends the summer looking for the clues that will explain why she left. Had he been a handsome, heroic-looking young gentleman, I should not have dared to stand thus questioning him against his will, and offering my services unasked. Her work has been acclaimed for its depiction of Maori culture in general as well as Maori diversity, and she helped give a voice to her culture and to reveal to … Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. I will run over to Hay for you with pleasure, if you wish it; indeed, I am going there to post a letter. It starts out with the old man hailing a taxi and talking with the driver, whom he calls "young fulla", about his life, children, and wife. To me, no Babbler with a tale Of sunshine and of flowers, Thou tellest, Cuckoo! He hunts family resemblances in Grandma's albums. I am crossing the wet stackyard, hooded in an old sack, carrying a lantern, while the house-dog, like a soaking doormat, springs, shakes himself over me. The protagonist was to bequeath the land that belongs to him to his family even before his death. The same whom in my School-boy days I listened to; that Cry Which made me look a thousand ways; In bush, and tree, and sky. ’ ‘A Married Man’s Story’ 50 © UCLES 2009 9695/31/O/N/09 12 BLANK PAGE Copyright Acknowledgements: Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. I obeyed him, and walked down to the traveller, by this time struggling himself free of his steed. Not the feeling itself. ‘Nothing,’ I answer softly. To object to the government desecrating a graveyard. To object to the government taking his land. I am very, very sensitive about this – I don’t mind admitting it. Square The last letter many will forget is dit-dit-dit-dah, V for Victory. If even this stranger had smiled and been good-humoured to me when I addressed him; if he had put off my offer of assistance gaily and with thanks, I should have gone on my way and not felt any vocation to renew inquiries: but the frown, the roughness of the traveller set me at my ease: I retained my station when he waved to me to go, and announced – ‘I cannot think of leaving you, sir, at so late an hour, in this solitary lane, till I see you are fit to mount your horse. Chapter 7 45 50 5 © UCLES 2009 9695/31/O/N/09 [Turn over 8 CHARLOTTE BRONTE: Jane Eyre 5 Either Or (a) Discuss the contribution of Helen Burns to your understanding of the novel. ’ to my father and he would die as in the folk-tale. I won’t think of haemorrhageing trains I’ll get my homework done. And then, when he had learnt his lesson, I would bring him back to life and he would never touch his whip again. It merely struck me at that point that I knew of nobody else with the name; it seemed fudged! Writings tasks, Exam-Style Essay Questions, etc. Never! Patricia Grace, New Zealand writer who was a foundational figure in the rise and development of Maori fiction. shall I call thee Bird, Or but a wandering Voice? UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level LITERATURE IN ENGLISH Paper 3 Poetry and Prose Additional Materials: *8973287783* 9695/31 October/November 2009 2 hours Answer Booklet/Paper READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST If you have been given an Answer Booklet, follow the instructions on the front cover of the Booklet. To the Cuckoo O blithe New-comer! ’ ‘You live just below – do you mean at that house with the battlements? While I am here, I am there, lifting my face to the dim sky, and it seems to me it must be raining all over the world – that the whole earth is drenched, is sounding with a soft, quick patter or hard, steady drumming, or gurgling and something that is like sobbing and laughing mingled together, and that light, playful splashing that is of water falling into still lakes and flowing rivers. 1. Narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator it becomes clear to the reader after reading the story that Hough may be exploring theme of friendship. But I didn’t set out to write my autobiography and I don’t want to do so. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and – that I am not ‘working’. no. Journey. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Socio-cultural and historical Context - Introduction to the New Zealand Maori, their history, culture, and confrontations with colonisers. Patricia Grace Biography of author Born in Wellington, New Zealand 17 August 1937 Foundational figure in the development of Maori Fiction Authors Purpose To represent the lack of respect that the goverment has for the Native Maoris in New Zealand. Why do Maori spiritual beliefs favour burial over cremation? The unit of … 1) Short biography of the author Bravo, Tasca, Millán, Quiroga, Allende and Reynal . Faced, though, like Bill Tuckett with a man needing surgery right on the spot, a lot would have done their dashes. Tuckett, you did it, you did it! Get access to this section to get all the help you need with your essay and educational goals. no. 31 cards | Created by jiluah | Last updated: Jan 6, 2020 | Total Attempts: 30. How strong the sea smells! Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity. in the vale Of visionary hours. You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers. Since the First World War there have been plenty of cases where people lose their land for one reason or another. She knows – how long has she known? Teacher’s Guide & Model Answers section with detailed MODEL ANSWERS to the comprehension questions and analysis of the short story. ’ and a clattering tumble, arrested my attention. A short biography of the author (Patricia Grace) 2. I was determined from the very beginning to put my career first and, if need be, last. 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