Shepard replies that they are fine, no more visions if that is what Hackett was asking. Now activate the vehicle lift to continue. Make your way around to the small passageway behind the truck, and disable the security beams in the gap leading to the platform above. She confirms that. Joker then pilots a course through the Relay just before the asteroid hits it, completely destroying the relay. Shepard was supposed to land on an ocean planet and take a submarine down to the main level. Near the end of the fight, Kenson will say that there’s an elevator that leads up to the hangar, and she’ll bring it down. It is also possible to destroy the enemies' shields, then use either Pull (If upgraded to Pull Field), Shockwave, or Singularity in order to buy the player some time to run to the door and close it. The only way to get the achievement is to never get within a certain range of any of the guards at all. Be sure to grab the refined palladium along the way as well, it is before the elevator ride and is tucked away next to a staircase. However, you now have little time to escape. Maximizing bonuses to shields and health is recommended especially on higher difficulties. Release Date: 03/29/11. I thought I’d feel a sense of accomplishment but instead… I feel dread. First take out the guard, grab the credits from the locker in the interrogation room, then head down the stairs and on the landing, you will find a med-kit and some thermal clips, so grab them before moving on. Kenson says she can’t argue with that and opens communications with the base. Commander Shepard, protagonist of last year's undisputed GOTY Mass Effect 2, has a lot of favorite things. Upon accessing the door a cutscene will play where Shepard proclaims that restarting the project is a priority and that it maybe their only chance. After the cutscene, you'll receive the achievement Covert Action. The DLC mission will be available after completing the Horizon mission in the main game. Make sure to take out pyros quickly as they can knock you out of cover. If that wasn't enough of a hint, in the bottom right corner is the Alpha Relay proximity meter, so fight fast and hard. Cross the bridge. Once they are down, Kenson will say that the door needs to be closed, so get to it before another group comes through. Head down to where the container was and you'll get 1200 iridium and the Medi-Gel Capacity upgrade hidden behind the container. We should arm a mission to flush them all out.”, “Personal log: I’ve worked for forty-seven days straight without time off, and now there’s humans in the prison below. She then proceeded to capture, sedate, and hold the Commander against their will. Finishing the conversation has Shepard saying that they could be at Earth in a little over two days, then there is no time to waste. So keep an eye on where enemies are at all times. Use the stack of crates as cover to get past the two guards in Kenson's cell and go down the hall until you find another unlocked door. We simply don’t know enough about what the Reapers want. Make sure to grab both before leaving. If you head back into the Med Bay you can now salvage the medical station for 100 credits. When you get to the top, before heading to the other elevator, grab ammo, if you didn't on the floor below, and the eezo on this landing, then take the second elevator. Watch out for a pyro in the laboratory in the next room, then grab a research log and 1360 credits from the far side of the room. Reactivate the right switch again to lift up the container. Activate the bridge control, but that doesn’t work so head down the ramp to your left. Before heading through the door, there is a small hallway behind you that holds some eezo. Once the YMIR mech approaches your position, move side to side as needed so the mech will follow your movement on the other side of the glass instead of coming around the pillars. Although her guards can try to keep you there, they will ultimately fail in the end. Arrival is one of Mass Effect 2's DLC missions. Hackett says that he is sure all the details are in Shepard’s report. If you choose to say that Hackett should be thanking you, Hackett says that it isn't a matter of preference, and Shepard would make a convenient scapegoat to avoid open war. Inside are six Guards, so stay near the door so they can’t flank you. ... After you release Dr. Kenson, it's weapons free, and you should have the Covert Action Achievement. Taking them down isn’t a problem, and when they are down, head through the door. Needless to say, don’t run straight into the fire. Interrogation has produced nothing but frenzied rambling so far.”, “Security Log: The humans still won’t tell us where their base is. Switch to your heavy weapon first then hit the console. You can then ask some more questions. Her team calls it the Alpha Relay and from there the Reapers can invade anywhere in the galaxy. We listened to the feed until we discovered an operation run by a human named Kenson -- smuggling engine parts and guidance systems into the system from Omega. Follow Kenson to the artifact's storage area, and watch as hilarity ensues. If you chose the paragon option, then Shepard will say that their deaths saved the countless trillions that would have perished had the Reapers got into the galaxy, and that given the chance, they would have tried to save those colonists. When they fall proceed into the next room and grab the eezo and listen to another research log, apparently Kenson is really indoctrinated at this point. This can make it easier for enemies to sneak up, and possibly flank you if you are not attentive of where they are. Well, I suppose I should tag this as spoiler, but if anyone who doesn't want to know the answer clicks on this, it might kind of be their fault . Don’t worry they can’t see you, so head through the door on your left. Shepard is apprehensive, but Kenson tells the Commander to give it a moment to show all the proof the they need. Kenson however, won’t quit and says she can still override power to the engines, and challenges you to stop her. When you reach a T-Junction, make a left to pick up some iridium. She finishes by saying that the resulting explosion could destroy the system. When they are down, remember those security beams you saw on the way down the stairs, there is a power relay that will disable them nearby, just remember that crossing them leads to problems. You will get a load screen, and after it's over Shepard walks through the reactor control room, where the Commander encounters Kenson. Slam and Pull are also extremely effective here as the guards are instantly thrown upward and sucked into the "air" passing overhead. Shepard will then tell Kelly that the message will be viewed in the captain's cabin. Deal with any ones that aren’t part of the main group first, then focus back on the main group. Mass Effect Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. As you proceed down the next hallway, the guards come over the radio saying you are tearing them apart. Head down the elevator, through the door, and you are now treated to a cutscene. Activate the controls, go back upstairs and cross the bridge. You can then race toward the door without worry of running into a replacement enemy on the way. Head through the area, but when you reach a small alcove, take cover as there is a final line of defense, one of everything. All of the waves come from the door you entered the area through, and you'll need to shut that door to buy some of the time you need. Nightsolo's Mass Effect 2 Downloadable Content. She then walks away, leaving Shepard taking cover from two guards who seal the door leading to Kenson. Cut the power, listen to the log, and grab the credits before moving on. If asked why destroying a Mass Relay would destroy the system, Kenson will say that they are the most powerful mass-effect engines in the galaxy and the energy released from destroying one would probably resemble a supernova. Be cautious though, because once the enemies recover, they will continue to attack Kenson. You'll have a short conversation with Admiral Hackett. When this group finally falls, Kenson will say that she is taking down their orbital tracking network and say there are more guards coming from the other side up via more elevators, so get back and into cover. Travel to the Bahak System in the Viper Nebula. Either way, when you fall, from either dying or from an energy wave from the artifact, Kenson and some personnel will come over to your downed body with glowing eyes. She will reply by saying it was from a device called Object Rho, which is a Reaper artifact they discovered among the asteroids around the relay itself. 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Eventually you will reach a dead end, but turn right and shoot the explosive hanging under the pipe. Shepard will comment about the place being run down, even for a prison, but that’s only a bonus. Specifically five Guards, three Engineers, two Pyros, and two Elites. When you reach the top, there is another power relay, and another War Beast. (In fact, if you engage it, the local guards have a habit of shouting as if you were in combat with them already, which can be a little startling.) Kenson reminds Shepard that they aren’t speaking to a child and continues by saying that she saw what. Inside the next room, activate the crane controls to clear your path but don't go down yet. You'll need to shoot the explosive door locks, one on each side of the shuttle, in order to be able to leave. Head down the hallway to the left, and as you round the corner you will see a door close and Kenson being lead into an interrogation chamber while telling the guards to get their hands off her. Shepard pushes the rod in, and when you regain control, head over to the previously locked door and take cover. Activating the control here activates the bridge, so head back up and across. Well it had to get challenging sometime. In the latest piece of Mass Effect 2 DLC, Commander Shepard finishes up his duty for the second game in exactly the same way he came into this world: on his lonesome. They run in close proximity so all of them will get hit and getting hit should stagger them long enough to keep you from taking too much fire. As you continue, you will see dead varren all over, but keep pressing on, into the side room and up the ramps. Otherwise, the asteroid, with you on it, will smash into the mass relay, resulting in a Critical Mission Failure. When this group is down, head over to the windows and activate the Cooling Controls. This DLC finishes the Mass Effect 2 story arc and partially sets up the events for Mass Effect 3. From here there is a research log you can listen to, but the bigger interest is the console. If you choose to turn yourself in, Hackett will be pleased that working with Cerberus hasn’t stripped away Shepard’s sense of honor. Be sure to wear down the fresh guards in the fifth wave before they can get to you is a priority. There is a closed door a little further down, but take advantage of the open one to get a few shots in. To your left are the two guards, talking about how interrogating a human is a waste of time and that it would be easier just to kill her. I'll climb out on their bodies!!" Aiming for their tanks as you hose them down (or sniping their tanks) will increase the likelihood they will conveniently explode. Using the terminal for the first time after the assignment appears will initiate a communication with Admiral Hackett. Also like the last group, another group consisting of an Elite and a Guard will come up after a period of time. Genre: Action RPG. Shepard knocks out the guard, and you humor Kenson's reactions at the turn of events. Shepard asks what Hackett means, and Hackett continues. You can ask him about the operation and it is advisable that you do so. However, responsibility will shift from Commander Shepard to the Alliance's 103rd Marine Division. NEXT: Mass Effect: 5 Reasons Shepard Should Go Paragon (& 5 To Go Renegade) A cutscene will be triggered which shows flashes of the Reapers' destruction of the galaxy, followed by the Critical Mission Failure screen. Kenson tells Shepard to relax and they will be there in no time. Warning: Because Shepard was knocked unconscious by the explosion, the countdown clock has advanced to 30 minutes remaining. Another viable tactic if you're a good shot is to take cover behind the table yourself. Reactivate the right switch again to lift up the container. If you pick the paragon option, Shepard explains that they confirmed Kenson's proof that the Reapers were coming and destroying that relay was the only way to stop them. When you get close enough, you can activate your favorite power - Adrenaline Rush, Tactical Cloak, Stasis, or whatever, so that you can safely hit the button. Arrival is one of Mass Effect 2's DLC missions. After the questions, Shepard will say that they are still curious how Kenson learned about the invasion. During the fight you will see the last evacuation shuttle take off and the Guard will say that their fellows left them there - at this point the guards stop spawning. There will be three waves of enemies, the first two consisting of just Prison Guards, while the last one will have two Guards and one Elite Guard. Kenson says that she’s also heard that rumor, but she thinks that it’s more likely that no one bothered to find out what would happen if one is destroyed. The rest of the enemies can be safely taken out from cover. When you reach the top, there is another power relay, and another War Beast. Enemies consisting of three prison guards will come from the left. Shoot the gas canister on the ceiling at the end of the hall, then turn the gas valve to turn off the flame jets. So don’t cross the beams and head down the hallway opposite of them. If you ask about the Alliance’s concerns about war with the batarians, Hackett says they are very concerned as the batarians have been looking for an excuse to go to war ever since humanity showed up in the galaxy. Activate the engines and you will get a warning about the casualties. Take them out as you please, then head up the elevator. Conserve your ammo as you may be pinned down for long periods of time. Note: The next two sections -- Sneaking In and Guns Blazing -- cover the same content to get to Dr. Kenson. Hackett says that it sounded like Amanda was indoctrinated, and well that “it’s a damn shame”. Hackett says that if it were up to him, he’d give the Commander a medal. If they are at war with the batarians, the other races will be hesitant to give aid to either side. Doesn't that rainy, fresh air feel good? In the next area there is an open door to the left with two guards inside the room. Head into the side room and up the ramps at the end of the hallway. Again stick to cover, and you should be just fine for this fight, just watch out for flanking attacks. Don’t take too long however, you still need to stop Kenson. Go into the tunnel beyond, and use the valve in front of you and the valve down the tunnel to the left to deactivate the jets in front of you. Kenson continues by describing what she and her team call "the Project." He is sorry that those batarians lost their lives but someone has to make the decisions that get people killed. What the hell is going on?”, “Guard: Kenson’s acting strange lately. ... Kenson will show you a countdown timer for the arrival of the Reapers (a little over two days away), and then she'll lead you to the Artifact Room. There is, however, an achievement/trophy for reaching her without ever entering combat with any of the guards, which provides a bit more of a challenge. Open the nearby door to find another ambush from a very well-situated, well-armed group of Project personnel, then bypass the door past them. Game Rant's Dominic Licorish reviews Mass Effect 2: Arrival. However once you're down to the YMIR this tactic is quite viable, although unlike "usual YMIR behavior" it will continue marching toward you with disconcerting accuracy even when you are cloaked, so you will likely need to keep moving from cover to cover. No matter what option you choose however, Hackett says to Shepard to do whatever they need to out here, but when Earth calls, be there, in full dress blues, ready to take the hit. Developer: Bioware. Take them down as you can, stay near the door for great cover since they can’t flank you there, then move into the room as needed to take out enemies that might linger out of your line of sight, weapon range, or that just stay behind cover. Hackett tells Shepard he will upload the coordinates immediately. Rush to the door and start spamming the incoming wave with it. Hackett will first thank the Commander for sparing time to hear him out. If you pick the renegade option, Shepard will tell Hackett of what happened to Kenson in that she said that the Reapers were the galaxy’s salvation. Another guard will say that humans will do anything to them, and the first replies that they need to make an example of one (Kenson). This will allow you to override the door, despite the fact Kenson says she has you trapped in there. Use the crane control to get the cargo hook out of the way, then drop down to the floor and lower the vehicle. Kenson will then tell you that if you can find a security console, then she can hack it and find an escape route. Warning: At this point, the countdown clock is a very real concern. If you ask about why you are going in alone, Shepard will say that the team is strong and they won’t mind helping out. If you ask if the Alliance is prepared for a Reaper invasion, Hackett says that he doesn’t know. Admiral Hackett asked Shepard to infiltrate a batarian outpost and rescue Dr. Amanda Kenson. Hackett also asks Shepard to go in alone. (The Geth Plasma Shotgun won't damage the tank, so use something else or just melee it). They didn't expect to see Hackett on the Normandy, so Hackett replies he decided to debrief the Commander in person since Shepard did the assignment as a favor to him. It would stop the Reapers' invasion as it would take months or even years at standard FTL speeds to reach another relay. The shuttle approaches a very large asteroid and then enters a hangar inside of a large complex on the surface of it. Inside the captain’s cabin, Shepard pulls up Admiral Hackett visually using the Model Ships display as a screen. Tip: It is possible to destroy both door locks without line of sight to them by using Shockwave which ignores intervening cover. As you get closer, you will hear two Prison Guards talking about something. When he is down, override the lockdown and continue on. She points to the door and says that it exits the hangar and that the artifact is in the central lab area. After the first wave is taken out, a second wave will arrive and should take cover behind the table. However, since there are no enemies on it, don’t worry about it, just deal with the enemies that are in front of you. Shepard says that since Kenson wasn’t willing to stop the invasion, they did what needed to be done. You can press Hackett about the Reapers, and the official Alliance position is that they don’t exist. Cut the power to the lasers blocking the passageway, then turn left to eavesdrop on a conversation. a hole in the floor. This triggers the arrival of a pyro and another guard via a nearby elevator, which can be tricky in such close quarters. Hackett says the assignment is deadly and she is one of the few that can handle the job. No glitch. Kenson: The Project is almost complete. Purchasing Arrival means there’s more to do in Mass Effect 2, and that’s always a good thing. When it goes up, you lose control of the mech, and regain control of Shepard as alarms activate and apparently now the entire complex knows you are awake. Hackett leaves by saying "you did a hell of a thing Commander". Mass Effect 2; Can you survive? Enter the room to the right and abort the plasma venting to unlock it. Kenson is a deep-cover operative and scientist who claims to have proof of an imminent Reaper invasion. Scoop up 200 element zero, then run down the hallway to fight an engineer and her posse of guards. Needless to say don’t run straight into the fire, but rather turn the valve to divert the gas so you can continue. Take them out, but don’t forget about that room to your left. This will cause a small explosion and the venting gas to ignite. . Is it possible to survive the traitor battle when Kenson turns on you? When Shepard comes to, it resembles what happened the first time Shepard woke up aboard the Lazarus Research Station. The cutscene shows Kenson and Shepard first accessing the shuttle, then Shepard turning around and looking behind them. As long as Shepard keeps it quiet, then there is nothing to worry about. The Scientist runs out while calling for security. When they fall, salvage the mech parts, and proceed through the door that they came through. Shepard says they will find a console, and Kenson after bringing her boot down on the throat of the batarian interrogator, says she’s ready. Head across the room, be quick about it, and when you are clear, take cover as enemies, three Guards and a Pyro, are coming from the left. There is nothing for you in the core, so head out. As Kenson and Shepard exit the shuttle, Kenson welcomes the Commander to Project Base. After accessing your terminal, Shepard will hear the first part of the message, in which Hackett will say that he has a sensitive matter that needs to be discussed privately. He says that it sounds like Shepard went through hell on the asteroid and asks how the Commander is feeling. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The bridge control nearby is burned out, so go downstairs and kill the varren guarding the working control. First it says that you have become an annoyance, that you fight against inevitability, and that you are like dust against the cosmic winds. When you have them, head to the door and inside is another locker with credits, a security log, and finally another power relay. Head back out and keep moving. Shoot the scientist, then the four other mechs between you and the power junction near the exit door. Mass Effect 2 Arrival DLC Transcript. Be sure to research all relevant upgrades before you go, as you'll want any advantage you can get. They will charge headlong for Kenson, and while they may shoot at you, they will not stick to cover but just go after the doctor, so kill them quickly to make sure they don’t get to her. Apparently they drugged Shepard and the sedatives are no longer working. Inside is a personal log (see below), a locker with some credits, and a Heavy Weapon Ammo upgrade. If / when you take damage, you will be kicked out of the bypass screen and have to start again. If you choose to appreciate the delay, then Hackett just turns to leave. Inside you will hear a guard talking about how he heard there was an artifact in the asteroid belt and asks another guard if he thinks the humans found it. As you near the top, you’ll hear someone or something readying weapons. Yet you don't HAVE to "survive" this battle to continue and succeed in the assignment/game -- so don't rage quit if you see the death screen briefly, you will wake back up! When the door is finally closed, Kenson will say they are now coming up from the other side, so move it. Kenson will say that eezo core meltdown will do the trick, and because of Shepard, everyone on the rock will be obliterated. 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