Dopo essersi ricongiunti Walker e i suoi uomini si dirigono di nuovo verso il segnale dell'agente Daniels, nel cammino trovano una fossa comune piena di centinaia di cadaveri, incluso un gruppo di soldati del 33° barbaramente giustiziati dai loro stessi commilitoni, confermando la teoria di Walker sulla faida interna. Durante il tragitto Lugo ha un battibecco con Adams dicendo che la missione ha preso una brutta piega, dato che sono tutti morti e che non sanno nemmeno cosa stia succedendo, sfogandosi così contro Adams, che gli sferra un pugno, il capitano interviene dicendo che sono nel bel mezzo di una zona di guerra e litigare tra di loro e l'ultima cosa di cui hanno bisogno per uscirne vivi. Spec Ops: The Line v1.0.6890.0 +4 TRAINER #3. By using this theme, the team hoped to tell a story and provide an experience that feels realistic, covering the combatants' mental changes during and after a military conflict, similar to how movies in the 1970s and 1980s, such as Platoon, Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now convey these messages. Preview. Walker non riesce però a capire cosa ci faccia la CIA a Dubai e perché si è schierata con la popolazione locale e combatte un battaglione dell'esercito americano. Spec Ops: The Line v1.0 +4 TRAINER #2. Players who pre-ordered the game at selected retailers were able to have their games upgraded to the Premium Edition at no additional cost. Hell.Communication is important, and that everyone makes mistakes, and in this case, they're some pretty heavy ones.The game makes the effect that war has on its soldiers devastatingly clear and doesn't hesitate for a second in reminding the player whose fault it is.. As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. And now, the last reminder: I will spoil Spec-Ops the line for you. Walker si risveglia da solo, tenta di contattare i suoi uomini ma senza successo a causa del segnale disturbato, nel frattempo una pattuglia del 33° cerca il corpo del capitano Walker per vedere se è effettivamente morto. Spec Ops: The Line was a commercial failure and did not garner the attention that distributor Take-Two Interactive had hoped for, but it was awarded and nominated for several end-of-the-year accolades, particularly for its story, and has garnered a cult following in the years after its release. [43] To achieve this, the team made the hints at the game's loading screen increasingly aggressive, while the game's overall narrative was designed with the aim of being "physically opposing", so that players could project themselves into the protagonist's position, especially when making choices that involve the killing of innocents. [52] However, 2K approved their vision even when the team thought they had pushed the narrative to extremes. [55] Lugo and Adams may get severely injured and if both of them die, the game ends. Spec Ops: The Line è un videogioco sparatutto in terza persona sviluppato dalla Yager Development[3] e pubblicato dalla 2K Games. [5] Environmental hazards like sandstorms occasionally occur, drastically reducing the player's vision and visibility. [77] Some believed the story is impactful and at times shocking,[75] and that the plot would make "Modern Warfare 2's infamous No Russian look pretty tame". [74][80] Some commented that the sand mechanic sometimes became gimmicky. [4] Players can also acquire and make use of grenade launchers, hand grenades, and rocket launchers. It is the tenth title, as well as a reboot, of the Spec Ops series. Struggling to maintain order amid 80 mph (128 kmh) winds, riots, and dwindling resources, the 33rd declared martial law and began committing atrocities on the civilian population. This mechanic prompts the player to rescue them as quickly as possible, and the system is designed to create tense situations. Spec Ops: The Line is a third-person shooter set in the sandy city of Dubai during a terrible sandstorm. Davis described the Dubai in the game as "a mix of fantasy and real-world environment". Il capitolo 1 è ambientato un paio di giorni prima del prologo, esso inizia con la squadra che attraversa il deserto durante una forte tempesta di sabbia, la squadra finalmente arriva a Dubai, trovandola quasi completamente sommersa dalla sabbia, nel frattempo Lugo ha triangolato la posizione del ricevitore radio captato due settimane fa e si trova a 800 metri circa dalla loro posizione. Award. [d] The game fades to black when the game transitions from one scene to another, and it fades to white when Walker is hallucinating or otherwise deceiving himself.[35]. Spec Ops: The line (PC) takes you on a trip to Dubai, following the steps of Captain Martin Walker and his two teammates. Walker can either concede to the patrol or open fire on them. Awards. È stato annunciato ufficialmente in occasione del Spike Video Game Awards il 12 dicembre 2009. Adams quindi lo spinge giù dal bordo della piccola sala in cui si trovano e muore ucciso dagli elicotteri, mentre Walker inizia a correre verso il palazzo di Konrad. This led the team to focus on creating the game's storyline to motivate players to take the actions they choose. Spec Ops: The Line's multiplayer is set before Captain Walker and his squad were sent to Dubai, instead taking place during the initial war between "The Exiles" and "The Damned" 33rd Infantry [40] The team believed that the location provided them with a "fantastic" real-world environment allowing them to produce great visuals. Following the release of several Spec Ops games in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the series met with low sales and poor reviews, causing a halt to the production of successive games. La squadra mentre cerca "il nido" raggiunge una stazione televisiva abbandonata, la ripuliscono dagli insorti locali e ad un certo punto sentono una voce di un DJ che proviene da altoparlanti (fatti con pezzi di ricambio, esattamente come la radiotrasmittente dell'autostrada) che comunica che il cessate il fuoco tra il 33° e la popolazione locale è terminato ed invita gli insorti ad arrendersi, Walker è ancora più determinato a scoprire che cosa è successo a Dubai durante quei 6 mesi. The game suffered from multiple delays, and the development team used this time to refine the story and increase the gameplay's pace. After the 33rd surrendering is shown to be a figment of Walker's imagination, Walker uses Konrad's radio to request extraction from Dubai. [39], From 2005 to 2009, the series remained largely unmentioned, with the rights still fully belonging to Take-Two. While the game's basic premise is to have the Delta Squad rescue civilians in Dubai, the game by its nature tasks players to kill with their firearms. In 2006, German-based Yager Development pitched a cover-based shooter to publisher 2K Games, who rejected the original concept of futuristic soldiers without Dubai as a setting. La squadra dopo aver respinto un'imboscata, si ritrova all'interno di una sala da ballo abbandonata a causa del crollo della pavimentazione, i Delta rimangono bloccati nel salone a causa di una porta chiusa, gli insorti ne approfittano e tentano di sopraffarli, ma essi li respingono, i ribelli pur di ucciderli lanciano del C4 nel salone costringendo Walker e i suoi a sfondare la porta e scappare dalla stanza. Walker shooting himself or allowing 'Konrad' to shoot him will immediately end the story, with Walker's and Konrad's corpses shown together on the penthouse deck and Konrad's original broadcast playing as the camera pans over to a burning Dubai. We invite the player to encounter some of the more horrific experiences that we hear from soldiers and the stories they tell as they come home from modern conflicts. Walker si risveglia dall'allucinazione in una distesa desertica piena di rottami di yacht, con Adams che continua a contattarlo chiedendogli dove si trova, il capitano cerca di intercettare Lugo ma lui non risponde alla radio, il capitano Walker si dirige al luogo dello schianto e trova Adams ferito, circondato e sotto attacco dal 33°. [17], Set before the events of the campaign, the competitive multiplayer divides players into two different teams: The Exiles and The Damned. Il gioco è stato pubblicato in America Settentrionale per Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 e PlayStation 3 il 26 giugno 2012, mentre in Europa il 29 giugno 2012. Spec Ops: The Line FOV fix. 4) Può scegliere di arrendersi ai militari abbassando la propria arma e tornare a casa, ma gli eventi che ha vissuto lo segneranno per il resto della sua vita. If Walker instead shoots 'Konrad', he disappears after telling Walker that he can still return home. [5] However, the player can only carry two weapons at a time. [35], The game was designed to be a third-person shooter so that players can see the three characters change and evolve as it progresses, and that the perspective differentiates the game from others shooters in the market. Davis described the project as a "waste of money" and a "low-quality Call of Duty clone". Released 2012. An official site was soon launched, and a new trailer was released in November 2011. The orders and shouts to his team become increasingly angry and ragged in contrast to his stern but collected orders at the outset. Spec Ops: The Line v1.0 +2 TRAINER #1. Il protagonista durante la missione ha due allucinazioni ,una dove vede il luogo infuocato con persone che stanno bruciando e che poi danno fuoco pure a Walker ,visto che era colpa sua se avevano subito quel dolore ; un'altra allucinazione dove vede un soldato corazzato nemico con le sembianze di Lugo, che oltretutto lo accusa di non averlo salvato e di aver trasformato la squadra Delta in un reparto di assassini e criminali di guerra. Yager was only responsible for the single-player campaign; the multiplayer was outsourced to Darkside Game Studios. There is no escape from Dubai. Players are tasked to eliminate the opposing team's target in order to win the match. La squadra, addentratasi all'interno del garage,il quale si rivela un campo di fortuna per i sopravvissuti, proseguendo scopre una decina di soldati del 33° tutti giustiziati ed infine troviamo Castavinh che interroga il soldato rapito facendo domande su un deposito d'acqua (dall'interrogatorio emerge che Castavinh non è altro che un'agente della CIA). The caravan never arrived, and soon afterward, the United Arab Emirates declared Dubai a no-man's-land. Tuttavia i due ostaggi vengono comunque colpiti dai proiettili vaganti (nel finale si scoprirà però che i due erano cadaveri e non ostaggi; per questo Adams e Lugo non si preoccupano della loro salvezza e domandano a Walker di allontanarsi da lì). [53] To prevent the sand mechanics from turning gimmicky, the team introduced multiple ways for players to use sand as a weapon, such as the player's ability to trigger dust clouds by throwing grenades on sand and cause a sand avalanche by shooting weak structures and supports. Alla fine l'agente Gould muore in tutti e due i casi, ma non prima di ordinare ai Delta di attaccare il "cancello", la squadra decide di dirigersi là. But this isn't real, so why should you care? [40], In addition to the game's standard edition, players could purchase a Premium Edition at a higher price. Durante l'intrusione Konrad avverte Walker di non fidarsi in alcun modo della CIA. [b] Walker and Adams make their way to the Dubai Seaside tower (a fictional tower which is the tallest building in the city in the in-game universe) to confront Konrad, but are soon pinned down by the last of his men. Durante la fuga diversi soldati del 33° attaccano i camion con l'ausilio di Humvee e addirittura un Little-Bird pesantemente armato. [49] To achieve this, the team simplified their original story setting of having Konrad as a "megalomaniac with messianic delusions" to a setting that is more similar to Heart of Darkness. Spec Ops: The Line unfolds within the destroyed opulence of Dubai. 3 in the UK retail sales chart during the game's first week of release, behind Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes and The Amazing Spider-Man. The game does not feature a morality system, but instead has situations that give players some freedom of choice. Infatti ben 1.300 civili erano morti durante la fallita evacuazione e la popolazione di Dubai si era ridotta a circa 5.000 persone. The overall gameplay received mixed reviews. Qui il capitano può decidere chi dei due deve ammazzare oppure può sparare direttamente ai cecchini. [107], According to Yager Development, 2K never discussed the chance of developing a sequel during the game's development. [45] The city of Dubai is filled with graffiti, which is used to give players information regarding the factions and the backstory. [46][47] According to Williams, the hope was that players would start the game with relatively low expectations, or they would consider the game another typical heroic war shooter,[40] then by seeing the transformation of the characters, would be shocked by the game's narrative and be "engulfed by the darkness". [23] Gould helps Delta escape, but is later captured and killed while assaulting a location called the Gate. They hoped that players would be able to feel angry at the developers who "forced" players into killing civilians in the game. [55][57] To establish the character of the Radioman, the team added licensed music, including "Nowhere to Run" by Martha and the Vandellas and Mogwai's "Glasgow Mega-Snake". Uplink: Both teams are tasked to capture a central rally point, and disable the opposing team's COM Station to prevent them from receiving points. 2) Se viene intrapresa la seconda decisione il colonnello si arrabbia con il capitano, ma Walker vuole dimostrare che non lo conosce affatto. [48] The AI for enemies is affected by various factors, including visibility and hearing. Il capitano pensa che forse dopo l'ammutinamento il radiofonista abbia preso il comando del 33°. L'evacuazione di Dubai è stata un fallimento. In ogni caso Lugo contatta Walker chiedendogli del suo stato e quello di Riggs, lui risponde che sta bene ma che Riggs è morto, dicendogli anche che ha fregato tutti facendo schiantare i camion, perché tutti moriranno incluso Walker e i suoi uomini ma la trasmissione viene bruscamente interrotta dal 33° che assalta il centro commerciale dove Lugo e Adams si sono rifugiati, Walker si dirige verso di esso per salvare la sua squadra. Chaos: A free-for-all mode, in which players eliminate other players. Spec Ops: The Line v1.0.6890.0 +4 TRAINER #2. Spec Ops: The Line (game, war, third-person shooter, postmodernism, satire). Walker finally meets Konrad at his penthouse. Dopo aver attraversato vari edifici il capitano Walker dice che la voce del DJ che esce dagli altoparlanti gli è familiare, infatti Walker ritiene che sia un reporter di nome Robert Darden che aveva incontrato anni fa a Kabul e seguiva Konrad e il 33° dappertutto. [35] Davis thought the game was announced too early, causing excitement for it to die down too far from the release date. Due settimane prima dell'inizio del gioco, una trasmissione breve e molto chiara viene captata al di fuori del muro di sabbia: "Parla il colonnello John Konrad, esercito degli Stati Uniti. The multiplayer team at 2K Games, which previously developed the multiplayer of BioShock 2, also assisted in creating the multiplayer. However, the idea was downplayed as the development team realized that having cutscenes helps players to be more emotionally connected and allowed the team to create dramatic scripted sequences. [40] During development, there was a point at the beginning of the game where players could choose to leave Dubai. PIXEL SHADER: 2.0. OS: Windows XP SP3. Walker, who surrenders, is pushed to safety by Adams, who fights to the death. [48] Gameplay is also a plot device and is tied to the game's narrative, as players can choose whether or not to execute enemies, which reflects the brutality and horror of war. It is the tenth title, as well as a reboot, of the Spec Ops series. Spec Ops: The Line is a 2012 cover-based Third-Person Shooter for PC, Xbox 360, PS3 and macOS, created by Yager Development, and the latest game in the Spec Ops series, though it contains no story elements from previous installments.. Dubai is under threat from some of the most violent sandstorms in history. [44] The team had the intention to give players the opportunity to show that a shooter can also have a decent story capable of invoking emotions. Death toll... too many." L'ammutinamento avrebbe provocato così una spaccatura interna nel 33°; da una parte c'erano quelli che volevano proseguire la missione sotto il comando del colonnello, mentre l'altra fazione, la più numerosa, voleva rimanere a Dubai e governarla con la forza. [25], Finding Konrad's executed command team, Walker uses a small radio to communicate with who he believes to be Konrad himself, who challenges the morality of his actions throughout the story. [60] Davis later claimed that his comments were not directed at Darkside Game Studios, and that he is satisfied with their final product after a long and troubled development cycle. Fortunatamente Adams e Lugo sopraggiungono, e i tre riescono a sopraffare la pattuglia. According to Yager, the graffiti was designed to give players a perspective that is different from the main game, and to help make the location more realistic. [35] According to Williams, the choice system was originally designed to be similar to Fable II, where after a player makes a decision, they cannot reload the game and choose differently unless they start a new game. Mentre la squadra Delta si incammina per cercare i civili, Adams domanda al capitano Walker come mai è così silenzioso, Walker dice che sta pensando a cos'è successo a Dubai durante quei 6 mesi, e decide di condividere alla sua squadra i suoi pensieri. Using Dubai as a setting allowed them to incorporate sand as part of the game's key mechanics. Spec Ops: The Line is a new original title from 2K Games that features provocative and gripping Third-Person modern military Shooter gameplay designed to challenge players' morality by putting them in the middle of unspeakable situations where unimaginable choices affecting human life must be made. As a result, a central theme of the game revolves around the moral aspect of war. By morte. Yager started the game's development in 2007, taking inspiration for the setting and story framework from various media, including Joseph Conrad's 1899 novella Heart of Darkness and the 1979 film Apocalypse Now. Walker then returns to the Dubai Seaside as the camera pans to a ruined Dubai. Walker, First Lieutenant Alphonso Adams (Christopher Reid), and Staff Sergeant John Lugo (Omid Abtahi), are ordered to confirm the presence of any survivors, then immediately radio for extraction. Spec Ops: The Line release date and BBFC rating revealed,, P1933 multipla letta da Wikidata senza qualificatore, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. He added that a war is not as straightforward and immature as it is often portrayed in various shooters. [79] Some critics believed that Yager deserves respect for successfully creating a message through the story and delivering it to the player,[76][78] and trying to do something different. Walker si risveglia con un'allucinazione di Konrad che gli rivela che la città ora morirà di sete e che a causare tutto questo è stata solo colpa sua e poi scompare. [103][104][105][106] It was nominated for Outstanding Achievement in Story at the 16th D.I.C.E. A Five-Part Analysis, Part 5. Both approaches are applied to let players make decisions based on their own will instead of "gaming the system". According to Williams, this is something that people frequently do in real-world scenarios, and they must "live with it" after their decision. In the game, players can hide behind cover, vault over obstacles, and shoot enemies while utilizing a variety of gadgets. Alla richiesta del capitano di cessare il fuoco Konrad dice che non vuole negare ai suoi uomini di vendicarsi dei Delta per quello che hanno fatto al cancello. Spec Ops: The Line is primarily a third-person shooter with emphasis on cover-based shooting. [97], Spec Ops: The Line was nominated for Best Shooter, and the White Phosphorus scene was nominated for Best Gaming Moments at the Golden Joystick Awards. Arrivati alla stanza successiva i Delta si rendono conto che i ribelli li vogliono morti ad ogni costo, infatti Walker insiste di trovare il prima possibile il Col. 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